It's possible to set your school up to receive credit card payments through Stripe from your customers through Teach 'n Go. This is an excellent way to manage your school payments and save time and energy on managing and recording manual payments.
Stripe Charges
There will be Stripe fees associated with each payment made through Stripe from your customers. Please check the Stripe website to learn more about Stripe charges.
βTeach 'n Go will not receive any part of the payment. This service is provided at no extra charge.
When Stripe payments have been enabled for your school, students and parents will now see a Pay Now button in the overdue payments section of the student/parent portal.
When this is clicked, Teach 'n Go will bring the student/parent to the Payment page. Here they will be able to select the overdue payments they wish to pay for. Only payment items they choose will be marked as paid after payment. All others will remain overdue.
Next, the customer will click the Pay Now button, which will direct them to the Stipe checkout page to take the customer's payment details.
After completing the payment, the customer will be redirected to the student/parent portal, and a success message will appear.
You and the customer will receive a Stripe email notification to confirm the payment. In Teach 'n Go, the customer and the school can view the Teach 'n Go receipt.
Learn about how to set up Stripe payments here