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How to use the asset follow feature (geotagging)

Find out how to use the asset follow feature on the Dashboard to track assets and view their live and planned locations

Cat Dulake avatar
Written by Cat Dulake
Updated over 2 months ago

When your Tended device is in asset mode you can follow its location using our asset following feature, ensuring you don't lose valuable assets such as marker boards, trolleys and on-site plant. Also, use this feature to check the live v planned locations of on-site assets.

Please note:

  • The asset following feature is only available when the Tended device is in asset mode, switched on and assigned to a live site

  • An asset's live location will not be shown on the Dashboard if the project's start date is in the future

How to follow up on multiple assets at once on the Dashboard

You can follow up to six live assets at once. Let's dive in πŸ‘‡

  1. Log in to your Dashboard and navigate to the project with the asset(s) you'd like to follow.

  2. On the project map, live asset locations will show as pulsing asset icons.

  3. To follow the asset live, click on the asset icon itself. A new side panel will open.

  4. You can either follow the asset in the same window by clicking "Follow device",

  5. Or click the arrow to follow in a new tab.

  6. A new tab with the asset tracking dashboard page should open. Navigate around by clicking "Recenter device" or "Stop following". If you'd like to view multiple assets, you can press the "lock" button to centre this window and open a new panel.

How to view live versus planned asset location

  1. Log onto the Tended Dashboard and find the project your assets are in.

  2. Click "View project" and you will then be on the planning page

  3. In the bottom left corner click "Live position" current asset locations will show on the map. Asset icons will pulse.

  4. Click "Planned position" to view asset icons on the map that plan where these live assets should be placed.

  5. Click "Live and planned position" to show both planned asset locations and their actual current locations.

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7713682625 or chat with us via the help button at the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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