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About project review and approval

Find out about the project review and approval process on the Tended Dashboard

Cat Dulake avatar
Written by Cat Dulake
Updated over a month ago

In this article, you'll find more out about project review and approval. You'll see how to request for your projects to be reviewed and how to easily monitor the review process.

Making sure that your projects are reviewed and approved before your track teams commence the work is crucial. The project reviewer will be able to check the geofences and other site information to ensure that it's precisely planned in line with the safe work pack.

You'll also be able to see a clear timeline of the project review progress and approval status from within your Dashboard.

Please note: you cannot start a project, or sites within a project, before it has been approved.

Who can request review of, review and approve a project?

A user with the "Review projects" permission can review and approve projects on the Dashboard.

Dashboard users with the following default user roles can review and approve projects:

  • Super admin

  • Planner

  • Site manager

You can create custom user roles for users who you want to review and approve projects.

Currently, the same user can request review, and approve the same project.

What actions can revoke project approval?

Once a project has been approved, it may need to be edited in line with any safe work pack changes.

If edits are made to a project after it's been approved, the change will revoke the approval. The project will then need to be re-submitted for approval.

Common actions that will revoke project approval include:

  • Edits to project or site dates and times

  • Edits to geofences (safe zones)

  • Edits to planned asset locations

Actions that will not revoke project approval are:

  • Update to project name

  • Assigning/unassigning devices

  • Start/stop sites

Please note: if a site is live, and then an edit is made to the project the site will remain live, however, the project will need to be approved before any firsther sites are started.

What do the different approval statuses mean?

You'll see clearly on the project overview table each projects "Approval status". Find out below what they mean.

Awaiting approval: an authorised Dashboard user has planned, or edited, the project and has requested one or more colleagues to review the project.

Approved: one of the project reviewers has reviewed and approved the project in line with the safe work pack and deemed it ready for use.

Approval revoked: a previously approved project has been edited in some way, causing the approval to be revoked. The project will need to be resubmitted for approval.

Rejected: one of the project reviewers has reviewed the project and rejected it as changes need to be made to meet the requirements of the safe work pack. The review will leave feedback at this stage.

Cancelled: a user with "Review projects" permission has clicked "Cancel review request" after review has been requested.

Not submitted: the project needs to be submitted for review.

Project approval checklist

βœ… Accuracy of safe zones

βœ… All controls consistent with the safe work pack

βœ… Locations on planned assets

βœ… Any changes to the safe work pack incorporated

βœ… Project/site dates and times

βœ… All other organisation-specific checks

Please note: a project will need to be reapproved if any changes are made after the initial approval.

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us on +44 (0) 7713682625 or chat with us via the help button at the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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