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About project audit logs

Find more out about how to access project audit logs in your Dashboard and what information you can view

Cat Dulake avatar
Written by Cat Dulake
Updated over a month ago

The project audit log feature gives you an overview of changes that have been made to a specific project within your Dashboard. You'll see a clear timeline of actions taken and changes made to help with your project reports.

What information is shown on the project audit log?

You can view a wide range of information from the audit log that relates to the specific project. For example:

  • A device assigned or unassigned from a project/site

  • A geofence (safe zone) added, removed or edited

  • A site added to a project

  • A change to a device nickname

  • A project review request or update

You'll see what time each action is taken and by whom.

Who can access the project audit log?

Users with the following default role can access the project audit logs:

  • Super admin

Users with a custom role that contains the following permission can access the audit log, too:

  • View project audit log

πŸ’‘ Tended tip: set up a custom role with the permission "View project audit log" for users you want to be able to view audit logs but not have full Super admin access. Click here to find more out about custom roles πŸ‘ˆ

What are the audit log action categories?

The audit log action categories allow you to filter your search of the audit log to identify specific actions that have been taken in the Dashboard.


  • New project or site creation


  • Project review request updates - submitted, approved, rejected or re-submitted for review

  • Edits make to the project or sites i.e. name change, date change, manager or team changes

  • Edit to site's geofences

  • Device nickname changed

  • Project closed or reopened

  • Site started, stopped or restarted

  • Project approval revoked


  • Project or site deleted


  • Device paired with a planned location

  • Device assigned to project, site or organisation

  • Device confirmed assignment to project


  • Device unpaired with a planned location

  • Device unassigned from project, site or organisation

  • All devices unassigned from a project

  • User unassigned as a reviewer from a project review/approval request


  • Technical information about how Tended devices interact with the project and associated geofences

  • Closing project was aborted, i.e. a user attempted to close the project when it still had live sites

Any questions or issues?

We're here to help! Simply pop us an email at, WhatsApp us at 07713682625 or drop us a message via live chat from the blue bubble in the corner of this page or within the Dashboard 😊

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