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Launch Day Guide (TTRS)

Tips and inspiration to successfully launch Times Tables Rock Stars in your school

Sarah Parrish avatar
Written by Sarah Parrish
Updated over a week ago

When introducing a new programme to your pupils, it's important to get off to a strong start. This article will give you all the tools you need to hit the ground running with Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS).

1. Be Prepared

For the launch to be successful, you need to have a few things in place first.

Learn the ropes

Firstly, make sure you've logged in, chosen your rock name and got to grips with the site yourself. Please take a look at the videos below to make sure you understand the programme, so that you can use TTRS to its full potential.

To help you become familar with all parts of the TTRS platform, check out our Challenge Sheet. Tick off everything on the list and you'll be an expert in no time!

Staff accounts and launch

Next, it's time to get your colleagues on board! Invite them to join TTRS before the launch day, so that they have a chance to log in and explore the website, before using it with their pupils.

If you decide to hold a staff training session, you may find the PowerPoint presentation, teacher overview video, and Challenge Sheet useful. These can all be downloaded from the platform by logging in and visiting Downloads > Staff Meeting.

Creating pupil accounts

Before the launch, create your pupils' accounts. You can do this in two ways. The first is manual and requires uploading spreadsheets. The second option is to use a system called Wonde, which is completely free, to sync with your school database, thus importing all pupils automatically and keeping them (and the classes they belong to) up to date on a daily basis. Choose the best option for you below to learn more:

I want to automatically import pupils and classes from our school management system.

Great choice! To learn how to do this please click here.

I want to manually upload pupils and classes using CSV files.

No problem! To learn how to do this please click here.

Distributing pupil login details

Once the pupil accounts have been created, download username labels containing their individual log in details by going to Account > Classes and selecting the name of your class, followed by the Username Labels button. Print the labels off and cut them up to give to your pupils on the launch day. Alternatively, click the Parent Letters button to download a letter for parents containing their child's log in details.

We also have an information letter for families, which you can find on our downloads page.

Optional extra preparation

Other optional things you can do before the launch day, or at any point after, include:

2. Launch Day

How you kick TTRS off in your school is up to you, but all the best launch days involve:

  • Teachers dressed up as rock stars - there's no better way to engage children in maths than getting their headteacher to reveal their rock alter ego!

  • A launch assembly to role TTRS out across the school. The more pupils in the school involved in the programme, the bigger, more exciting and engaging it becomes for them! You may like download our launch presentation, or incorporate our TTRS launch video into your assembly.

  • Older pupils already using TTRS to give a live demonstration, talk about how they use TTRS or create a video to be shown in assembly.

  • Rock music - view playlist here.

  • Announce a Battle of the Bands, leaderboard or future live competition.

  • Air guitars (of course!)

  • School displays, certificates and a Hall of Fame - find out more. You can also see some example displays and learn more from this blog post.

Click here for more Launch Day inspiration from previous launches, or check out our Twitter feed for the most up-to date ideas from other schools using TTRS!

3. Begin Playing

Whether you're using the Paper or Online version of TTRS with your class, it is important that pupils' first contact with TTRS is exciting and enjoyable, as well as being efficient.

Worksheet Version

  1. Download our offline Rock Name generator and get each of your pupils to choose themselves a Rock Name.

  2. Download the worksheet packs from the website here.

  3. Complete Baseline, then collect and input results into the website. Find out more.

Online Version

  1. Give your pupils their log in details and ask them to log in to, or the TTRS mobile app.

  2. Give them a few minutes to choose their avatar's initial design and Rock Name - they will be able to upgrade their avatar later on, as they earn virtual coins for each correct answer, however they will not be able to change their avatar's name.

  3. A great starting point is to ask pupils to complete a Gig game. As well as offering a baseline from which to assess progress, the results from the Gig also feed our smart algorithm. Each pupils' Gig results combine with the results from other games they play and jump start their heatmap. This kicks off their learning journey by moving learners to the best point from which to continue in games like Garage. As they carry on answering questions, the evidence we have of their recall gets richer and richer which personalises the Garage and Arena games even further.

  4. Many pupils will have heard their friends talking about whether they are a "Rock Hero" or a "Rock Legend" and be excited to find out their Rock Status! In order to earn a Rock Speed and corresponding Status, pupils should complete 10 games in the Studio game mode (10 minutes).

  5. See the results of your pupils' Studio games by going to Online > Stats > *Select class name from left hand column* > Studio. Click the certificate icon in the table for each pupil to download their latest Rock Status certificate. If you have the Stats Bolt-On you can print these in bulk.

4. Sustain Initial Enthusiasm

So the launch was a success? Great!

Now, find out how to maintain the initial excitement and enthusiasm so that children continue to be motivated to practise their times tables.

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