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(NEW UI) Trackify Core
Everything you need to know about Trackify New UI
Capture Catalog Into TrackifyHow to update an existing Facebook catalog to use TfX feed and upload automation?
Checking Pixel Events in Test ModeHow to check your pixel event details in Facebook
Facebook Pixel Setup
How to Disable Shopify PixelRemoving other pixel integrations from Shopify so they don't interfere with Trackify
How to set up First Party Pixel Tracking?First-party pixel Facebook tracking involves using the advertiser's own pixel to collect data on user interactions for targeted advertising.
How to use FB custom audience with TrackifyAdvanced syntax and strategies for your CAs
Removing Trackify's Authorization From FBHow to remove any authorization you gave Trackify for your Facebook profile
Server-Side Event TrackingHow to check the Server-side events in Facebook and see processing and de-duplication details
Set-up Facebook CatalogDetailed instructions for setting up a Facebook Catalog with Trackify
Set-up Snapchat CatalogDetailed instructions for setting up a Snapchat Catalog with Trackify
Set-up TikTok CatalogDetailed instructions for setting up a TikTok Catalog with Trackify
UTM Parameters and Facebook ReportsHow to change and use UTM and use Facebook Reports feature within Trackify