Do you bill your personal training clients on auto-renewing memberships? Do your appointments or personal training sessions allow for more than one member to attend at a time?
While Triib's Appointments feature is designed for single purchase PT package sessions, and strictly one on one training, there is a way to accommodate the above situations - the class schedule!
Step One: Create a class type for your personal training (Schedule/Classes > Class Types). ie - coach's name. You will want to set up a class type for each coach. If it doesn't matter who the coach is then we would suggest naming it 1:1 or Personal Training.
Step Two: Create a schedule type for your personal training - this will help distinguish it from your general group classes (Schedule/Classes > Schedule Types). ie - Personal Training.
Step Three: Add your personal training "class" to the schedule! Go to Schedule/Classes > Add Class - make sure to select the correct schedule type.
Step Four: Create a personal training membership (Memberships > Add Membership Plan) or attendance pack (Memberships > Add Attendance Pack)!
Step Five: Create a program to restrict access to the personal training classes to clients on the personal training membership or attendance packs only.
Please note that once you create a program you will need to make sure all memberships are included in a respective program, or else members will not have access to classes or programming.