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Non linear flows via WA
Vanessa Galeano avatar
Written by Vanessa Galeano
Updated over a week ago

Which product is it related to?

WhatsApp Onboarding (TruChat).

What is the feature?

Non-linear conversations, meaning our customers should be able to define the following steps:

  • Indifferent from the user’s response.

  • Depending on the user’s result from the process:

    • A specific answer from a multiple choice question;

    • A specific answer from an open question;

    • A validator attribute or result.

What problem are we solving?

It is common for companies to define the onboarding steps for their users depending on their users’ inputs and results from previous steps. Our current onboarding flow builder does not enable our customers to define these different paths and turns a flow may undertake.

Why is this useful?

Because it enables the possibility of having dynamic flows, that would be more suitable for each type of user and that allows a user segmentation for our customer.

How to do it? How do I integrate?

Design and launch onboarding processes via WhatsApp, including validators and/or custom questions, and deciding if the users will take a different path depending on their answers.

Answer to this email or contact your CX or Sales Representative to know more about the WhatsApp solution.

What happens if we don’t have this?

The designed onboarding processes would only be linear and all of the users who initiated the flow would follow the same steps and path.

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