Customer Experience
Updated over a week ago


CX representatives can leverage TryLinks to respond to shopper inquiries effectively and convert hesitant shoppers. When customers reach out—whether it's about product specifics, recommendations, or policies regarding returns and promotions—the CX team can utilize TryLinks to grant special access to the Try Before You Buy feature. This feature will not be publicly available and will only be available to shoppers through TryLinks.

For instance, if a customer has a question about the size or material of a product, the CX rep can share a TryLink that leads to the product detail page with the Try Before You Buy 1-button CTA. This enables the customer to physically assess the product at home, bridging the gap between online browsing and the in-store experience.

Below are some helpful articles on how to implement this experience:


Product Inquiries: Shoppers may commonly ask about product features, specifications, sizes, colors, materials, and compatibility with other products.

👕 Ease customer concerns about sizing uncertainties with a TryLinked product page, allowing them to try multiple sizes at home, ensuring they find the perfect fit hassle-free.

Returns and Refunds: Customers may have questions about the returns process or refunds timeline. With Try Before You Buy, a key benefit that shoppers report is that they do not have to wait for a refund.

Product Recommendations: Customers may seek advice on product selection and request recommendations based on their preferences. Perhaps it is their first time shopping for something in particular with your brand, and they are hesitant to pay for something without trying it first. Allow them to try before they buy and encourage them to try multiple styles in order to ensure they find something they love.

Promotions and Discounts: Use TryNow in place of discounts, special offers, loyalty rewards, or eligibility for discounts.

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