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How To Submit NZDIPBUS Export

Follow the steps if you are required to complete NZ Diploma of Business (NZDIPBUS) reporting.

Heena Wilson avatar
Written by Heena Wilson
Updated over a week ago


  • The information provided is based on our interpretations of the requirements. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are compliant. If you have any concerns or suggestions please contact us.

  • The requirements change slightly depending on how you set up your Tuple database for correct reporting.

Below are different stages in your NZDIPBUS reporting. Each with instructions on what needs to be completed for successful reporting.

 1. Set Up

If you are required to complete NZQA reporting, it is important that you incorporate specific NZQA field collection and processes into your  Course Offer, Learner and Enrolment setup. Spending a little more time upfront can save a lot of time later.

Learn More about Field Guidelines

Before you can set up for correct reporting you need to understand the reporting requirements especially surrounding what data collection is required.

NZQA File Guidelines outlines each field that is in the NZQA files and provides required information regarding collection and location in Tuple.

Set up your Tuple database for NZDIPBUS reporting:

 1. Set Up Units

  • Each Unit Standard must be set up as a unit in your Tuple Learner administration database.  Make sure the Is Unit Standard box is checked

 2. Set Up Unit Offers

  • Create offers of each unit standard

  • (Optional) Set up unit groups to manage groups of unit standards

 4. Modify Unit Enrolment details

  • The NZQA Result field must not be blank. Choose an appropriate value

  • The Result field (Tuple custom Result field) must contain one of the following values: A+, A, B+, B, C, D, E, F, or P. You may need to set this up in the Settings > Droptdown List section

  • The End Date must not be blank or in the future

 2. Run Export

Once you are ready to export the NZDIPBUS data you can follow the export steps:

Important Note:

  • If you have more than one course offer in this export batch, the location code will be taken from the first one processed.  We recommend that you always only process offers from a single location in the same batch.  For maximum safety, process only one course offer per batch

Steps to follow:

For any course offer where course has the NZDIPBUS export standard ticked, Tuple will produce the NZDIPBUS export and not the standard NZQA export.

  1. Ensure your setup is correctly completed:

  • To run a unit results export, run the Record of Achievement Export as usual

  • To run a qualification export, run the Qualification Achievement Export as usual

3. Export Errors

You may come across some common validation errors when you run your exports. Check out the list we have compile together for you and how to troubleshoot NZQA Export Errors.

How to Reject an Export Run
Each record will only be exported once. If you find there is a problem with a record when you review the file, you will need to reject the batch, correct the error(s) and repeat the export.

Steps to follow:

  1. Navigate to Tuple > Exports

  2. Click NZQA Export

  3. Click NZQA Result Export History

  4. Click the link that says Reject

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