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What Are Inspo Links And How Do I Find Them?
What Are Inspo Links And How Do I Find Them?

Inspiration, Example Videos, Ad Inspiration

Rachel avatar
Written by Rachel
Updated over 10 months ago

Inspo links are useful guidance to give the creator some direction as to how the style, pace, and tone of the video should be.

One way to discover inspiration for creators is by scrolling through TikTok's TopAds, and copying the link to a video you’d like the creator to take inspiration from. Alternatively, you can type keywords into TikTok (e.g. TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, App review) and paste the links to certain videos.

Our team understands it can be difficult to keep track of all your inspiration in one place, so we created a chrome extension to make it easier than ever. We call it "Pinterest for marketers" Save your favorite ads and creatives to your Twirl library from Meta Ad Library, Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube Shorts. Add it now!

As you are scrolling through social media either casually or for work, another great way to discover inspo is by saving your favorite content in collections on TikTok and Instagram to easily refer back to later on mobile.

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