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August 2023 Release Notes
August 2023 Release Notes
Sarala Conlan avatar
Written by Sarala Conlan
Updated over a week ago

We are very excited to show you the amazing and highly requested new releases we completed in August 2023! Check them out below!

Features and Enhancements for the Office

RFQ/PO PDF Customization

You now have a setting available in Kojo that allows you to customize your PDFs so that you can communicate your requirements to vendors and include key elements of your brand and operations.

How to Set Up the PDF Configuration:

  • Ensure you are an admin

  • Go to Settings → Admin → PDF Configuration

Make sure you select "Save Changes" at the bottom of the screen once you have made the changes that you would like.

The PDF configurations you will be able to edit are as follows:

  1. Show the custom order title

  2. Show an item’s UPC

  3. Show notes included for an order

  4. Show a delivery location in ship to address (instead of the customer address)

HowDoes the Order PDF look?

Default configuration

  • Includes order notes,

  • Does not include order title, nor UPC

    Example of a Custom Configuration

  • Includes title, and UPC (if found)

  • Does not include Order Notes

  • Shows delivery Location in Ship To

1:1 Line Item Mapping Button

Users can now map quotes to an RFQ by just using the order of items they came in. Some customers get large quotes and have to manually map a lot of items. Many quotes are returned in the same order as they were requested, so a simple button to “Map” by the corresponding line number now helps save a lot of time! The button maps items as such:

  • Scanned Item 1 → RFQ Item 1

  • Scanned Item 2 → RFQ Item 2

How To Use It:

Start by uploading and scanning a quote, and going to the mapping screen. If you need a refresher on how to do so, please visit our Quotes Scanning Guide by clicking HERE.

Once on the mapping screen, select the “Options” menu, and you will see the 1:1 mapping appears via the option “Map and preserve line item placement” as depicted here:

Decimal Quantities

Previously, only integer (whole number) quantities could be entered for line items in Kojo. Now, the field, office, integrations, and invoicing products now support the ability to handle decimal quantities!

To access this feature, please reach out to Support or to your CSM and let us know you would like it enabled.

Then, in your Admin Settings, under Company Settings, you will be able to turn this on for your entire organization:

PO Detail Page Updates

We made some slight changes to the PO detail page so that it’s more clear what each field stands for.

  1. We changed delivery instructions placeholder text to “Delivery instructions for the vendor.”

  2. We renamed “Additional Details” to “Note to Vendor” with placeholder text “Add additional notes to your vendor for this order.”

  3. We changed the need-by-date to be standard North American Month/Day/Year:

Features and Enhancements for the Field

Multiple Drafted Carts (Mobile+Web)

Field users can now add multiple drafted carts on both mobile and web!

In mobile, Users can click on "Create New Cart" in their Cart section as depicted in this screenshot to open another draft cart within the Job they are currently in:

Users can also keep multiple draft carts open within different Jobs at once. Clicking on the menu in mobile will show Users the current draft carts they have open, which Jobs they are under, and allow them to switch between those carts. They can see all this in the same place that they go to join Jobs! You can see the carts depicted by a number next to the shopping cart symbol for these Jobs in the screenshot below:

On desktop, Field Users can create a new cart by opening the Carts page as depicted here:

When creating a new cart, Users will always be prompted to name that cart to make sure confusion is not caused between their carts and incorrect REQs are not submitted:

Similar to Users on mobile, Field Users on desktop can view the current draft carts they have open, which Jobs they are under, and switch between those carts in the same place they can join and leave jobs. You can see the carts depicted by a number next to the shopping cart symbol for these Jobs in the screenshot below:

By default, this setting will be on to allow your Field Users to make multiple draft carts. However, if you prefer to not allow your Field Users to do so, you can turn this setting off in your Kojo Admin Settings!

Features and Enhancements for the Warehouse

Field Transfers Between Inventory Locations Without a WHREQ

Please see our updated Inventory Location Settings and Multi-Warehouse Location User Guide by clicking HERE to see how Field Users can now transfer stock between inventory locations without the use of a WHREQ!

Tool Tracking

We are so excited to have announced our new Tool Tracking feature! Please see our Tool Tracking User Guide by clicking HERE to learn how to use this feature.

Features and Enhancements for Invoices

Credit Memo V2

This feature makes it possible for our Users to upload credit memos to Kojo, link those credits to a specific invoice, and manually enter credits at the line item level against line items on the linked invoice. A new credit memo doctype is created, and the negative balances are then applied against the invoiced quantity and price.

Please read our Credit Memos User Guide by clicking: HERE to learn more!

We hope you are as excited about these new updates as we are! If you have any additional questions, please reach out to your CSM, or to our Support Team at

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