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Organisation Tree
Customer Support avatar
Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

What is the organisation tree?

The Vizibl organisation tree is a visible representation of the entire corporate structure. Administrators can choose to represent the entire organisational hierarchy or only the ones that are relevant to their Vizibl implementation.

Once these companies are configured they can be assigned company specific users, templates or any other custom company-specific configuration as well as having templates and settings imported from other companies via the organisation libraries in the other main Admin sections.

Adding companies to the organisation tree

To create a new company in the tree simply hover over the node you wish to add it to and click on the + icon. Please note that company admins are only allowed to create new companies under nodes they are already a company admin of:

During the creation of the new company, some key information has to be provided such as company name, logo, currency, and financial start date. You can also choose to enter optional details such as address, contact email, website, and more.
Please note that as the creator you are automatically made a company admin for any new company you create in the organisation tree so you can freely manage it. It's possible to assign more company admins other than yourself (creator) by contacting

The organisation tree is fully customisable and ever-evolving, adding clarity to structures that can otherwise be hard to document in large companies. Please reach out to our support team if you have any further questions about how you can best structure your organisation in Vizibl!

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