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Survey Templates
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

Survey templates are a fantastic way of improving how you manage surveys with your suppliers or customers. By increasing continuity and standardisation of the survey process you can ensure best practice and benchmarking across groups and segments, enabling you to compare feedback over time.

Survey templates are managed by the Company Admin:

  • To start building your template start by adding a name and a description then click "Create":

  • The survey template is structured into question groups in which you can add one or more questions. You can use statements to introduce questions, guide contributors through the survey, or structure questions within a question group.
    Question group statements will appear before the respective question as the contributors are progressing through the survey.

    Click on "Add the first group" to get started:

  • Once the first group has been added you can start populating your template with questions:

  • If you click on the `+ Question` button The `Add new question` form will open and you can begin specifying the first question:

  1. Specify the question. This should be concise and easy to understand for contributors without additional explanation.

  2. Select the question type. There are various question types available, depending on what your question is intended to measure. Typical quantitative units of measure are percentage (e.g. on time delivery), monetary (e.g. packaging costs), days, months, hours (e.g. delivery cycle time) and number (e.g. inventory turns). Score questions give you the opportunity to set a scoring range (ordinal scale) for the question, for example 1-5 or 1-10. This would be a common survey-style review. The option ‘qualitative’ refers to purely qualitative questions that are rated on a red/amber/green scale.

  3. Specify whether the question requires a comment to be made by contributors (in addition to the answer value).

  4. Select the target value of the question. This setting is important so that Vizibl can properly calculate aggregate scores and display survey results in reports and dashboards. To specify the target value for the question, type in the numeric value without its unit of measure.

  5. ‘A higher result is favourable’ means that the higher the value, the better the result. ‘A lower result is favourable’ means the lower the value, the better the result.

  6. Specify custom thresholds. These define the answer value ranges to which a rating of red/amber/green refer to. This basically means that you can freely customise what is considered a good, acceptable and bad result.

Click "Add" to save the question into the question group.

When you have built out your template with questions and question groups you have several tools at your disposal to help get the template just right.

  1. Questions can be re-ordered in the template by dragging and dropping them within the same question group or even to a different question group.

  2. You can edit the name and description of a question group or choose to remove it completely.

  3. Individual questions can also be edited or removed at any time.

  4. To publish the template and make it available for use in surveys click "Publish" in the top right-hand side of the template. You can also choose to save the template as a draft and return to finish your work later on instead.

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