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Performance - Manage KPIs
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

Vizibl aims to drive standards and best practice in performance management, helping customers and suppliers achieve successful performance improvement across relationships. Well-designed KPIs are the foundation for successful performance management in your relationships with both suppliers and customers.

In Vizibl, KPIs can be quantitative as well as qualitative, offering you a wide range of ways to measure and manage performance. KPIs are managed in a company-wide KPI library, enabling standardisation and best practice.

First, navigate to the Company Settings in the Admin area and click on the Performance section:

  • All KPIs in the library are organised into groups. We recommend importing already created groups in the organisation for standardisation and ease of performance management.

    If no groups have been configured for your company you click on Add New KPI Group to get started:

  • Specify a name for your new KPI group. The name should be descriptive enough for other users in your organisation to easily identify if they themselves need to enable or disable it for their relationships:

  • When you have created your KPI group or groups it's time to add your first KPI:

  • In the KPI form you can specify all details of the KPI:

    Provide a Name for the new KPI. This name should be standardised, concise and self-explanatory to enable effective use of the KPI. This is the name that will be displayed in your performance dashboards and when users add data against the KPI.

    Insert a Description for the KPI. A clear description enables more effective use of the KPI in performance management across your relationships. Provide a description that is easily understandable for your colleagues both internally and externally.

    Specify the Measurement Type of the KPI. There are several units of measure available to you on Vizibl, depending on what your KPI is intended to scope. Typical quantitative units of measure are percentage (e.g. on-time delivery), monetary (e.g. packaging costs), days, months, hours (e.g. delivery cycle time) and number (e.g. inventory turns). Score KPIs give you the opportunity to set a specific scoring range (ordinal scale) for the KPI, for example 1-5 or 1-10. There is also an option to add "Rating" KPIs that are used to measure purely qualitative results on a scale of red/amber/green without specifying any other unit of measurement.

    Select the Success Type for the KPI. This setting is critical so that Vizibl can properly display KPI values in dashboards and accurately calculate performance scores. "A higher result is favourable" means that the higher the KPI value, the better the performance result. "A lower result is favourable" means the lower the KPI value, the better the performance result.

    Add a Target for the KPI by adding a target value (without the KPI’s unit of measure, only numerical values are accepted). This is the default target value that is applied to the KPI in each dashboard using it. The target value specified with the KPI could be a standard or best practice target that, for example, reflects your top level strategy.

    Select which KPI group you want to add the KPI to. By default, this will be the group you had highlighted when you started creating the KPI but you can choose any other existing KPI group in your performance admin, or even decide to create a new one right here from the create window.

    In addition to the mandatory properties of the new KPI, you can also specify custom Rating Thresholds:

    Custom rating thresholds enable you to customise the KPI value ranges to which a rating of red, amber or green is attributed to. This essentially means that you can customise what is considered good, acceptable and bad performance for the KPI.
    By default any value below 50% of the target is considered red, any value greater than 50% of the target value but less than the target is considered amber, any value equal to or greater than the target is considered green.
    You can specify these thresholds to whatever value you feel is appropriate. For each rating, you can also add a custom description to provide further context to the rating when the KPI is in use.

    Once done, just click Save to add your new KPI to the KPI library. Relationship admins will now be able to use your new KPI to set up and power performance in their relationships.

Importing and configuring KPI groups:

Any company in your organisation can import any KPI group from elsewhere in the organisation via the KPI Library.

The respective company admins are also free to add their own KPIs to the group to fit their company's needs but they can not edit the KPI group name or edit the KPIs configured by other companies.

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