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Surveys: Create and Manage
Surveys: Create and Manage
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over 6 months ago

Value generation in relationships builds upon clarity and turning actionable insight into opportunities. We've built Vizibl Surveys to connect people through their feedback, to drive alignment and inspire joint action.

  • Turn feedback request emails into collaborative surveys

  • Use survey templates to apply best practices and measure differences over time

  • Summarise results effortlessly and produce actionable reports

Bring teams together to evaluate relationships, assess performance, and identify opportunities. Avoid insights being lost in back-and-forth communications over email chains. This video guide shows how to create a survey:

Create a survey

You can create a survey by clicking on "Add Survey". Specify the details in the form:

  1. Select which relationship you want to publish the survey in.

  2. The survey's name should be brief and informative. Contributors and stakeholders should be able to easily grasp what the survey is about when they receive a notification or email.

  3. Add a due date so contributors know when their feedback is needed by. You can always update the due date at a later stage if necessary.

  4. Set which performance period you want to link the results from this survey to. By default, this is set to the previous quarter but if this is not applicable you can leave the date as is and it will have no effect on your survey. This is applicable if you have questions in your survey that are linked to active KPIs in the relationship. These links are configured in the Survey Template by your company admin.

  5. Select tags to categorise the survey and make it easier to search for and filter the survey.

  6. Adjust the privacy. By default, the survey can be seen by anyone in the relationship. If you make the survey private then only the creator and the contributors can see the survey. Regardless of privacy settings, only contributors can fill out the survey.

Once you are happy with the information in the form, click create to add your survey.

  1. Add a welcome message to give guidance or information necessary to complete the survey to the contributors

  2. Select a question template from the Survey template library

  3. Add a thank you message to the contributors for taking the time to complete the survey.

The final requirement needed before being able to publish the survey is to add contributors. Navigate to the contributors' tab and click on "+Add".

  • You can now add contributors with an existing Vizibl account to the survey from either side of the selected relationship.
    Please note that a contributor does not need to be a Vizibl user (with an active Vizibl account). You can choose to add people who are not Vizibl users, so-called "external contributors". To add external contributors simply select the "Add via Email" option in the Add Contributor interface. External contributors will receive a survey link in their email inbox and contribute in the same way as regular Vizibl users. Please note that external contributors will only be able to view and contribute to the selected survey. Adding an external contributor does not grant them access to any other company information.

  • If you choose to add external contributors you will need to provide the platform with their emails and names.

  • If you have a large number of recurring external contributors or have an existing list of emails it might be a good idea to import these via our CSV import function. A CSV template can be downloaded from the interface. Please ensure the CSV file follows the correct format. If an email in the CSV file matches that of any existing Vizibl users they will be included and their Vizibl account will be linked to the survey.

When you are done, simply click on "Publish" to send out the survey.

Your contributors will receive an email advising them to complete it by the selected date as well as an in-app notification if they have an active Vizibl account.

Duplicate a survey

If you don't want to start from scratch you can instead copy an existing survey. Navigate to the Survey settings and click on Duplicate Survey. This will create a new draft Survey with all the details copied over from the source Survey, including the template, welcome/thank you message, and selected contributors. Simply update any fields necessary, hit Publish, and your new Survey will be created.

Manage your surveys

If you navigate to the main surveys page you'll be default see all upcoming surveys that you have view permissions for across your relationships. This means surveys that are published and in the progress of gathering feedback, or surveys where all feedback has been submitted and the feedback is ready to be summarised.

You can filter your survey list which offers you several different status views:

  • Upcoming: This shows surveys that are in-progress or ready to be summarised.

  • Drafts: This shows your draft surveys that you have not yet published. Please note that you can only see your own drafts. You can not view drafts created by other users on the platform, and they will not be able to view yours either.

  • Closed: This shows completed surveys that have been summarised by the survey owner and moved into the archive. A full feedback report is available within these surveys and you also have the option of downloading the survey report in PDF format.

  • Only My Surveys: This can be combined with any other filters to restrict the list to only display surveys who you are the creator of or a contributor to.

  • Custom & Shared filter: If your organisation has any custom filters defined you will be able to apply them to the survey's list. Any custom filters shared with you from a company you have a relationship with will also be available for selection.

Manage and view an individual Survey:

Click on the survey title in the respective list to open and view a survey page with all its details.

  1. The survey settings menu in the header shows which relationship the survey was created in and who created the survey.

    • If you click on the permissions button you can see who can view/edit/delete the survey

    • Clicking the activity icon lets you view all the activity from the time of survey creation. This is a full audit trail of what has happened including when a contribution was submitted, when a contributor is added or removed, when a file was uploaded, when a change was made, or when someone posts a discussion post. In case you have just been added to a survey the activity stream is a great way to get up to date on what has happened so far. The full activity log is also shown at the bottom of the summary tab.

    • You can also duplicate or delete the survey via the settings cog and the trashcan icon

  2. The header section shows you the survey's title, due date, and privacy setting.

  3. The main body of the page is structured into several tabs, each of which gives you actionable context.

  • The Summary tab provides an overview of the survey's status and activity.

  • The Questions tab gives you a concise overview of the survey questions. You can also click on individual questions and question groups to get a more detailed view of each question.

  • The Contributors tab gives you an overview of the survey contributors and if they've submitted their responses or not. If their feedback has been submitted you can view all of their responses. If a contributor hasn't responded yet or lost their feedback link you can resend their survey email link from this tab as well.

  • The Report tab shows a complete statistical report of the feedback if the survey has been summarised. Here you can for example see the question group averages as well as the gap between customer and supplier feedback. The full report can also be downloaded in PDF format.

  • On the Discussions tab, you can get involved in the discussion around the survey. Share updates, ask questions, or discuss the survey progress with stakeholders. All within the context of the survey, without sending a single email.

  • On the Attachments tab, you can attach files to provide stakeholders with additional important documents necessary for completing the survey or to provide context and give all contributors full visibility.

Professional Services – Restricted and Client Approved

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