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Surveys: Interpreting Results
Surveys: Interpreting Results
Customer Support avatar
Written by Customer Support
Updated over a year ago

Understanding Target Score of each question

The first item to understand is the target score. For example, if the target score for a Survey question is set to 8/10:

• A score of 8 = 100% of the target score
• Anything above a score of 8 will be 100%
• Anything between 4- 8 will be less than 100% (i.e. 50 - 100%)
• Anything between 0-4 will be in the range of 0%-50%

Understanding the survey report

Now that we understand the target score we can look at the survey Report tab:


Overall Score = The combined aggregated average of all the questions relevant to their target scores for each question group.
Company 1 Feedback: This will be the average score of the Customer company out of the aggregated target number
Company 2 Feedback: This will be the average score of the Supplier out of the aggregated target number


A simple response rate overview for the Survey, both the total and with respect to each company.


Please note, the group average is based off the target score for each question, as outlined in part 1 above.
Column 1 will be the Customer's company averages
Column 2 will be the Supplier's company averages
Column 3 represents the gap between the two companies. You can see the Supplier’s perception of themselves vs how the customers team view the supplier. This perceived difference can indicate the need for cross relationship alignment to identify why these gaps exist and what can be done to bring both sides closer to a shared understanding.


Detailed information and starred comments for every question in every question group in the survey is available to users who view the report. You can now see how each question was answered with an outline of the scoring for that specific question, the average that came out of it and the gap in response between the two companies.

If the survey summarised left any summary comments for a question these are also displayed here in the final report. You also have the option to drill down into each individual question and view the detailed response from every contributor along with their feedback comments:

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