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How Relationship Performance is calculated
How Relationship Performance is calculated
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over a week ago

This help guide explores the meaning of KPI value, scores, scoring methodology, and the impact of weighting on overall group scores.

What does Value mean?

Value refers to the actual result of a Key Performance Indicator (KPI). It represents the outcome or measurement derived from the KPI's assessment. In other words, the raw data.

What does Score mean?

A KPI Score is a numerical representation that measures progress or achievement toward a predefined performance indicator or target. It indicates how close the measured value is to the target, demonstrating the strength or success of the KPI value.

What does Target mean?

A KPI target is a predefined goal or objective set within an organization to measure performance against a specific metric.

How do we calculate the score of an individual KPI?

If the target is set at a value X, anything equal to or above X receives a score of 100. To calculate the score, we compare the actual value against the target. For instance, if a KPI has a range of 1-5 with a target of 4 and the actual value is 3.3, the score is calculated as (3.3 / 4) * 100 = 82.5.

How do we calculate the group score?

The group score is the average of all individual KPI scores within the group. For example, if there are three KPIs measured on a scale of 1-5 with a target of 4 and individual results of 3.3, 3.7, and 4, their respective scores are 82.5, 92.5, and 100. The group score would be the average of these scores, which is (82.5 + 92.5 + 100) / 3 = 92.

Importance of Weighting in determining the overall group score

Weighting refers to assigning different importance or priority to individual KPIs within a group to calculate the overall group score.

For instance, using the same example from the previous section, assuming equal weighting for three KPIs, the group score would be (82.5 + 92.5 + 100) / 3 = 92.

If each KPI has different weightings (e.g., 50% for the first two and 0% for the third), the group score is calculated based on the weighted average. For example, (82.5 * 0.5 + 92.5 * 0.5 + 100 * 0) / (0.5 + 0.5 + 0) = 88. The system disregards the third KPI's score due to its 0% weighting.

If all KPIs have uneven weightings, 15%, 35%, and 50% respectively the score would be calculated as follows: Weighted Score = (First Score * Weighting) + (Second Score * Weighting) + (Third Score * Weighting), therefore = (82.5 * 0.15) + (92.5 * 0.35) + (100 * 0.50) = 94.75 (displayed in Vizibl as 95 as scores are rounded to the nearest integer).

What is the relationship overall score?

The relationship overall score is the average score of all the KPI group scores and a representation of how the relationship is performing. The RAG ranges are pre-determined and the scores will have the following colour coding:

  • Red: x < 30

  • Amber: 30 <= x < 80

  • Green: >= 80

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