We've built Vizibl Tasks to connect people, empower them to get things done, and ensure accountability.
Turn your emails and event outcomes into actionable tasks, before they're lost and forgotten.
Assign sub-tasks to help the assignee manage the task at hand.
Get involved in discussions to share ideas and solve problems
Use attachments to securely share documents and drive progress
Avoid work being delayed by back-and-forth communications. Create clarity on what needs to be done, with all context, communications and documents in the right place. Track progress and make results visible.
Create a new task
To create a new task either click "Add Task" from the homepage or task tab, or navigate to the relationship you want to create the task in and click "Add Task" from here.
This will open the Task form where you can configure the task details:
Link the task to your desired relationship
The task name should be brief and informative. The task assignee and relationship members should be able to easily grasp what the project is about when they receive a notification or view it in a list.
Add a due date for when the task needs to be completed by.
The task description allows you to provides more context for the assignee and other stakeholders involved.
Assignee for the task. By default the user list will be populated with users from the selected relationship, but you can also choose to select an external assignee from any company you have a relationship with.
Set the task priority
Add up to 3 tags to the task, enabling you and others in the relationship to easily filter the task later on.
Add any eventual attachments needed for the event.
Adjust the privacy according to your needs By default the task will be visible to anyone in the relationship. If you choose to mark the task as private it will only be visible to the creator and the assignee.
Once satisfied, you can either Save and create your new task or you can choose to Save it as a draft and come back to it at a later stage.
Duplicate a task
To copy an already created task, navigate to the task settings and click on Duplicate Task. This will create a new draft Task with all the details copied over from the source Task. Simply update the fields as you see fit, hit Save, and you new Task will be created. Please note that Sub-tasks will not be copied over during this process.
Then update the fields as you see fit, hit Save, your new task is created.
Collaborate with discussions
You can discuss anything related to a task directly with the team and stakeholders, without having to send a single email.
If you have any questions or need to inform the team about important updates then this is the place to go. Simply type your update in the comment field and press "Comment". This will trigger a notification to be generated and sent to all those involved in the task to make sure your voice is heard.
Collaborate with attachments
We're a collaborative platform, but there are of course files containing sensitive information that you might only want your side of the relationship to have access to. Not to worry, you can still keep all the relevant files in one place! In the attachment section, you can choose to upload files visible to both, or only to your, side of the relationship. Simply select if you wish to upload a private or shared file and get started.
File Upload Limits & Supported File Types
Vizibl has a file upload limit of 50MB.
Currently, the following extensions are allowed for uploads: 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'TXT', 'PDF', 'RTF', 'DOC', 'XLS', 'PPS', 'PPT', 'DOCX', 'XLSX', 'PPTX', 'ODT', 'ODG', 'MOV', 'AVI', 'MP4', 'MKV', 'MP3', 'KEY'
Please note: Vizibl's File Management system is designed to host easily shareable and -digestible content, so certain files such as streaming media and >50MB files are better suited for dedicated servers that are set up to handle the bandwidth downloading those files would require.
Professional Services – Restricted and Client Approved