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Relationship Team - permissions & adding users.
Relationship Team - permissions & adding users.
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Written by Customer Support
Updated over 6 months ago

Quick guide on the Relationship Team - adding users and assigning permissions.

What is the relationship team?

In the customer-supplier relationship, the team is formed by individuals from both sides working together towards a common goal or project. Ultimately, a successful relationship between a buyer and a vendor often mirrors the workings of a cohesive team where cooperation, understanding, and shared objectives contribute to achieving mutual success. Users can be assigned from any side of the relationship to the relationship team.

Levels of permissions within the relationship team

Team members - are standard users, they can add tasks, events, surveys, add discussions, and files to the relationship. They can also create projects and view projects they have been assigned to. Their access to adding roadmap activities in projects is conditioned by project permissions. They can create dashboards and share them with other relationship members.

Relationship admins - have the same capabilities as team members and in addition, they can manage the relationship in terms of performance (adding and editing), they can delete performance configuration and spend data, and perform other administrative roles of the relationship.

The capabilities of both roles, are explained below in a table for an easier comparison in terms of creating activities for the relationship:

Add tasks to the relationship

Add events to the relationship

Add surveys

to the relationship

View Projects

in the relationship

Create New Projects in the relationship

Team Members













Capabilities of both roles for Performance management, spend management, and user additions and removals:

Amend account plan and extract activity data

Amend KPI


Add New KPIs Results

Delete spend



Users add/remove in the relationship

Team members







Rel. Admins





NO - only company and org admins


These two main permissions types can be assigned additional roles for Innovation Hub. For a full description of the distinct permissions for this module, read our guide about Innovation Hub: User Permissions

Innovation manager - are either team members or relationship admins with extended permissions within the Innovation Hub module and they can manage opportunities.

Innovation reviewer - are either team members or relationship admins with limited permissions within the Innovation Hub module.

Adding users to the relationship team

Navigate to a Relationship and from the left side menu, access Team

Click ‘Add Users’ and select which customer and/or supplier users you would like to add to the relationship. If they have already been added in the system or to another relationship, you will be able to select them from their list.

Existing customer users are displayed under the customer organisation name.

Existing supplier users are displayed under the supplier company name.

Select the users from the list or alternatively, invite someone new if needed. On the following page, you can designate their permissions level and all the selected users will receive the same permission.

The last step involves reviewing the team additions and making sure the correct users are being assigned the right permissions. Press Save to confirm if you are happy with the summary page.

Existing registered users will receive a notification that they have been added to a relationship. The user can click the notification to navigate to it.

New members will have a "NO INVITE" status if they have not had their access approved by a company admin and an "INVITED" status if they have been approved. Read about all user states in Vizibl here

Users with inherited access

The on/off toggle at the top of the relationship team allows viewing/hiding other users with access, aside from direct team additions, such as company admins, organisation admins, companies reporting admins etc.

User filtering modal

The filter modal in the relationship team page allows viewing desired groups of users. It supports surfacing data by ‘User’ and ‘Role’.

The relationship team embodies collaboration and shared objectives between customer and supplier. By assigning correct permissions, you can ensure effective management and contributions within the relationship as well as segregated access for data security purposes.

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