What is response analysis?
To optimize your prospecting efforts, Waalaxy uses an artificial intelligence (AI) system to analyse your prospects' responses.
Its purpose is to determine whether a response indicates interest in your message or, on the contrary, a lack of interest.
How does it work?
The AI evaluates the sentiment expressed in the prospect's response and classifies it into two categories:
Interested: The prospect appears favourable to your proposal.
Not interested: The prospect expresses disinterest or rejection.
💡 Benefit:
This analysis allows you to quickly identify high-priority leads who require your immediate attention. 😊
⚠️ Currently, it is not possible to manually change a prospect's status to "Interested" or "Are not Interested."
However, you can assign a custom tag to your prospect with the correct status if the one automatically assigned is inaccurate.
How to find Interested or Not Interested leads in a campaign?
From the "Prospects" tab in your campaign:
Filter prospects who have replied to your connection note or message.
From the prospect’s profile:
How to follow up with interested leads?
To maximize your conversion opportunities:
Filter interested prospects from their list using the ‘Response analysis: Interested’ filter.
Follow-up your prospects
By manually sending them a message on LinkedIn.
If you have an inbox subscription, you can schedule a message.