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All about the Waalaxy Inbox

Linkedin 2.0 messaging.

Updated over a week ago

Inbox waalaxy is a “CRM messenger” that piggybacks on LinkedIn, to save you a lot of time in managing your daily LinkedIn messages, while bringing you additional features. 😜

How does it technically work ?

Inbox Waalaxy is a feature directly integrated into your Waalaxy CRM.

If you want to access it, you must have Waalaxy, click on the left search bar, then on “Inbox Waalaxy” below the homepage.

It recreates a messaging interface, integrating other features, all grafted onto LinkedIn.

And more specifically?

A website is divided into two parts. A client part and a server part.

  • 👩 The client part: this is at home, on your computer. This is the user interface.

  • 💻 The server part, that’s at LinkedIn.

When you send a message on LinkedIn, the client part sends a request with some information to the server part at LinkedIn, which will process that request.

Inbox Waalaxy replaces the client part of LinkedIn by sending the same requests as the latter, from a different interface.

The LinkedIn server will receive the same information and will be unable to see the difference. As far as it is concerned, you have clicked on a button from LinkedIn.

Is there a risk for my LinkedIn account?

None, of course.

If you use Waalaxy, you know that we take the security of your LinkedIn account very seriously.

Here again, there is no risk. Not even automated behavior. For LinkedIn, you use classic messaging. They are unable to tell the difference.

If you want to know more about the security Waalaxy has in place to protect your Linkedin account, go here.

How are my datas managed ?

The data management allows a good utility of the tool.

  • Memos, tags, and saved messages are saved so you don’t have to constantly re-do them.

  • Your lead information is saved and synchronized with your CRM.

  • Your conversations are stored so you never lose a customer’s data.

  • The number of unread messages is also recorded to be updated.

We also decided to store the conversations with the last message to make the user experience more pleasant => it creates a faster loading and the possibility to make filters in the conversations. 😁

Should I keep a LinkedIn tab open ?

Yes and No.

Yes, so that Inbox waalaxy can retrieve data related to your LinkedIn account (your connections for example), which allows us to send requests with your account without LinkedIn being able to realize it. You must open a LinkedIn tab when you first launch the tool.

Then… no need 😄 Everything is done in the background!

How do I buy Waalaxy Inbox ?

You’ve got 2 ways, you can go to prices and select inbox Waalaxy, or you can go to your Waalaxy app and select inbox waalaxy from the search bar on the left.

If you already have a waalaxy account, you’ll be able to add it as an additional option. If you don’t, the link will bring you to the chrome store to download Waalaxy and then, from there you’ll be able to add Waalaxy Inbox. 😁

How do I activate Waalaxy Inbox?


How do I add tags with Waalaxy Inbox ?


How do I create saved replies ?


How do I set up reminders with Waalaxy Inbox ?


How do I schedule a message ?


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