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FAQ - Waalaxy Imports

Welcome to the Waalaxy Import FAQ.

Updated over 2 months ago

What are the channels to import on Waalaxy?

You can import from:

Which subscription allows me to import to Waalaxy?

  • Freemium version

  • Pro plan

  • Advanced plan

  • Business plan

How many leads can I import?

From LinkedIn

  • LinkedIn limits the display of search results to 1000. You can only browse until page 100, with 10 results per page, and there is no page 101. Therefore, it is not possible to import more than 1000 leads per search.

  • If your search yields more than 1000 results, and you wish to exceed that limit, consider splitting it into smaller searches (such as different regions) to import all leads.

From Sales Navigator

  • Sales Navigator limits the display of search results to 2500 (100 pages of 25 results, and there is no page 101). Therefore, it is not possible to import more than 2500 leads per search. If your search yields more than 2500 results, try splitting it into smaller searches (such as varying regions) to import all leads.

💡 Good to know:

Import from a Sales Navigator Leads List

  • Imports from a list are limited to 2,500.

  • If your list contains more than 2,500 prospects, and you wish to import more than 2,500, you need to display it in a search. The easiest way to do this is to filter by "Belongs to list XXX" using the "Workflow" filter in the Sales Navigator search.

What’s a “LinkedIn Member”?

On LinkedIn, you only have access to the profiles within 3 degrees of connection with you (1st degree means your relations, 2nd degree is the relations of your relations, etc.).

People outside that 3rd degree circle will be displayed as "LinkedIn member" in the search result, and you can't open their profile. In that case, Waalaxy can't scrap their profile either.

  • You then need to grow your network before being able to take full advantage of Waalaxy. 👥

What are duplicates?

Waalaxy handles duplicates efficiently. 😎

  • Duplicates refer to prospects who are already in one of your lists or in a teammate’s list. Our security measures ensure that these duplicates are not imported again and contacted twice.

  • During an import, Waalaxy scans all leads, identifies duplicates, and excludes them from processing.

💡 Good to know

If you are importing prospects from a LinkedIn or Sales Navigator search, you can turn on this option to move the duplicated prospects from their current list to the new one:

  1. From the import modal, go to the “Settings”.

  2. Turn on the “Move duplicates to import list” option.

What is anti-duplication security?

This feature is only included in the Team subscription.

It can be used to manage duplicates in a team.

What are the limits of prospects in your app?

  • Freemium version: Maximum of 10,000 leads in the application and 1000 prospects per list.

  • Pro, Advanced Business plan: Maximum of 50,000 leads in the application. The number of prospects per list is unlimited. 🔥

💡 Good to know

  • If you've reached the maximum number of contacts in your app, you won't be able to import more until you delete some.

  • If you've reached the maximum number of prospects in a specific list (Freemium version), you won't be able to add more prospects to that list until you remove or transfer prospects from it.

Why aren't all my prospects imported?

There are several reasons why the number of prospects imported may differ from the number you intended to import:

  1. Duplicates Detected: If a lead is already in your Waalaxy interface, it won't be imported again.

  2. Prospects Outside Your Network: Some prospects are beyond your 3rd-degree connections. Waalaxy cannot access their profiles and therefore cannot import them.

  3. Search Result Limits:

    • Your search contains more than 1,000 results, for a standard LinkedIn search.

    • Your search contains more than 2,500 results, for a Sales Navigator search.

  4. Previous Imports: If you have already imported this search, it will resume from where it left off.

  5. Prospect Limits in your app:

    • Freemium version: Maximum of 10,000 prospects.

    • Pro, Advanced or Business plan: Maximum of 50,000 prospects.

  6. False Positives: Waalaxy's "Clean My Import" feature filters out leads whose job titles do not match your search criteria.

Is it possible to launch two imports simultaneously?

No, this is not possible.

You must wait for your first import to fully complete before starting a second one.

Bug on Waalaxy: Import issues

Import doesn't start or complete

In most cases, this indicates a cache issue.

If you encounter problems during import, follow these steps:

Not all prospects are imported

  1. Duplicates: Anti-duplication control identified existing prospects in your lists.

  2. False positives: Job titles didn't match your search keywords due to the import cleaning feature.

  3. Out of Network: LinkedIn blocks profiles beyond the 3rd-degree connexion. Names are hidden ("LinkedIn Member"), and they can't be imported.

  4. Beyond Page 101: LinkedIn only shows 100 pages of results, limiting imports to 1,000 prospects per search (2,500 for Sales Navigator).

Verify URLs:

1️⃣ Ensure they are personal profiles, not company pages.

☝️ Example

Sort URLs alphabetically to identify any company pages.

2️⃣ Depending on the source of your URLs, you may have "undesirable" characters.

☝️ Example

Double slashes, like here:

  • Replace undesirable characters (e.g., double slashes //) with a single slash /. Search for /in// and replace with /in/ 🚀.

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