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What is the security verification?
Updated over a week ago

💡 This security window applies to you only if:

  • You have subscribed to a paid Waalaxy plan.

  • You are a Freemium Waalaxy user currently on a Business plan trial and have already activated the Cloud feature.

What is the "Security verification window" for? 🔒

It is designed to enhance the protection of your Waalaxy account by asking you to enter your LinkedIn credentials when we detect an unusual connection from your account.. 🛡️

How does it work?

This window appears in the following situations:

  • You log in to your Waalaxy account from a different computer.

  • You reinstall the Waalaxy extension.

To access your interface, simply enter your primary email and LinkedIn password.

⚠️ You will not be able to close the security window until you've entered your LinkedIn credentials.

Where can this window appear?

It can simultaneously appear on:

  • Your Waalaxy application

  • The widget from LinkedIn

  • The LinkedIn import window

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