Add Rooms For Appointments
Updated over a week ago

Adding rooms for appointments is the same as adding rooms for classes. You do not need to specify if a room can be used for an appointment or a class. Currently, there is not a way to choose if a room is for appointments or classes only. Rooms used for appointments will appear under room options when scheduling classes.

  1. From the main navigation menu, select Locations and choose a location you’d like to add a room to

  2. Select the tab titled Rooms and choose + Add to create a new room

  3. Complete the Room Name, Capacity, and Notes fields

    Capacity under Room does not affect appointments and it only applies to classes. You will set appointment capacity when creating an Appointment Type. Let’s say a room with the capacity of 40 is also used for an appointment with a capacity of 1, the appointment will still have the capacity of one.

  4. Select Add to save

    Walla knowallage: When a client books an appointment via the widget, a room is not assigned

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