Room Assignments and Appointment Booking
Updated over a week ago

Auto-Assignment for Single Room Appointments

When there is only one room associated with an appointment, the system automatically assigns that room when clients book through the widget or app.

Room Eligibility Check

To prevent double-bookings and optimize room usage, our software performs a room eligibility check. If a room is already booked for other appointments, classes, or enrollments, it will not be available for booking, and the time-slot will not be displayed.

Multi-Room Appointments

For appointments with multiple rooms, when a client books through the widget or app, the system does not auto assign a room. Rather, it leaves it as unassigned and staff must assign a room.

Email Notifications

When an appointment has an unassigned room, an email will be sent out to the business. If there is only one room linked to an appointment, staff reminder emails will not be sent.

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