Edit a Non-Recurring Plan's Expiration Date
Updated over a week ago

You can now edit a non-recurring plan's expiration date! Need to update the expiry of a 10 class pack or a one month unlimited plan? As long is it is not recurring, you can change the expiration date. You can also reactivate an expired non-recurring plan!

  1. From the client's profile, under the Overview Tab, scroll down to the plan tile

  2. If the plan is expired, choose View expired and inactive plans

  3. Select the three dots on the top right of the plan

  4. Choose Edit Expiration Date

  5. Change the expiration date

  6. Save

Once Save is selected, the plan's expiration date will be updated and the client will be sent a confirmation email that their plan's expiration date has been adjusted.

If you do not see the option to edit a plan's expiration date, it is because the type of plan does not allow the expiration date to be edited.

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