Minimum and Maximum Bonus Pay Explained
Updated over a week ago

If your pay rate includes bonus pay, you can set a minimum and maximum bonus pay for your staff member. This will ensure your staff members will either be paid a set amount if the amount they earn from their bonus pay is less than the minimum bonus pay amount. If your instructor's total bonus pay exceeds the amount entered in the maximum bonus pay field, they will be paid the amount specified in the maximum bonus pay field.

The minimum bonus amount that an instructor can earn—and does not include the hourly rate or salary-based pay. Minimum bonus pay looks at the amount the instructor earned based off of their headcount goal and will pay out the entered amount if the instructor did not meet their goal.

Take a look at these examples to better understand how this works!

Example 1 Minimum Bonus Pay

Bonus Pay is set to: Pay $2.00 per head starting at 4 attendees

Minimum bonus pay is $30

Class has 5 attendees, totaling $4 in bonus pay. Your instructor will be paid $30.

Example 2 Minimum Bonus Pay

Bonus Pay is set to: Pay $5.00 per head starting at 4 attendees

Minimum bonus pay is $30

Class has 14 attendees, totaling $2 in bonus pay. Your instructor will be paid $30.

Example 3 Maximum Bonus Pay

Bonus Pay is set to: Pay $10.00 per head starting at 1 attendees

Base pay is $30

Maximum bonus pay is $100

Class has 11 attendees, totaling $110 in bonus pay. But, because of the $100 maximum, your instructor will receive $100 in bonus pay on top of their $30 base pay. Your instructor will be paid $130.

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