Why Can't I Favorite a Report?
Updated over a week ago

Why This Occurs

You might encounter difficulty adding reports to your favorites list while logged in as the Owner. This occurs because the system requires a specific setup to ensure seamless functionality. When you log in as the Owner but haven't configured a corresponding staff profile with the same email address, the system doesn't recognize you as a regular user with favoriting privileges. This discrepancy between your Owner login and staff profile settings prevents you from being able to favorite reports.

How to Enable Favoriting

Your owner login email address is the email address found under Business Settings > Company Info > Walla Account Contact. If you have not yet created yourself a staff login using the same email address you will not be able to favorite a report. You can choose Contractor or Employee as the staff profile type, whichever you prefer.

To create an owner login follow these steps:

  1. From the main navigation menu select Staff Center

  2. Select Staff

  3. Choose Add New Staff

  4. Complete the staff profile creation process and use the email address found under Company Info > Walla Account Contact

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