Did someone say, "data warehouses and data pipelines?" No?? Perfect - because we certainly didn't!
Wallabi manages all those pesky pipelines and data storage issues so you don't have to. All you need are the appropriate login credentials, and you're good to go!
For details on specific connectors, see our integrations articles.
The Data Management Tab
From your insight feed, select the hamburger menu in the top left corner, then select "Data" to navigate to your Data Management tab.
From this page, you can add an integration, drag-and-drop files into the sidebar, delete integrations, and more.
Select the kebab menu ("...") to the right of each integration name to see a full menu of options:
Edit name
See description
The Data Description
Double-click the integration name to see all the fields and additional metadata properties related to that data source. Fear not! This experience is being rapidly improved in the near future. Stay tuned!