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Basic details - digital product

How to configure the Basic details section

Updated over 7 months ago

Note: To configure the Basic details section for adding

Configuring the Basic details section

This section has to be completed when a digital product is added.

Product Type - select Digital for a digital product e.g. digital report

Tip: The Product Identifier can be the same as the Product Name, but it must be different from any other product identifier listed on the platform. It can be entered as an alphanumeric value.

Selecting the brand - when you first start adding products, you may not see the brands you need from the available list. To request a new brand name, click "Request for brand" to open a Request New Brand form.

The article Request a new brand provides instructions on how to complete the form.

Note: You can only select one brand per product. Brand selection is not mandatory.

Selecting the category - watersorted has populated a list of possible categories you can select from. If there is no suitable category for your product, please notify Admin. You cannot submit a request for a new category.

Note: You can only select one category per product. Category selection is mandatory.

Minimum Selling Price

Important: When entering the minimum selling price, please exclude GST (if applicable).

Attachment at inventory level

  • Selecting Yes allows you to attach the digital file and/or enter the digital URL link when you add this product as shop inventory.

  • Selecting No – you have to add your digital file and/or enter the digital URL link as part of completing this add product form.

Note: If you select No for this setting, two additional sections will become available so you can attach a file and/or enter a URL link for the product. An error message will appear until all required fields have been completed.

Product Description

Tip: When entering the product Description, you can use the tools provided to edit the text formatting.

What next?

Now that you have set up the Basic details section, we recommend you review and edit the next section - adding your Variants and Options.

Here are some other articles relating to adding new products:

If you have finished configuring these settings - congratulations!

You can move to the next stage and add product/service inventory.

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