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Variants and options

How to configure the Variants and options section

Updated over 6 months ago

Note: This article applies to all product types - adding a physical/digital product or service.

Feature: Options can be used to create variations for a product/service. For example, different sizes of the same product, or units in a package e.g. 10 or 20.

What are option names and option values?

The option name is the category for the values associated with that name. For example, for the option name [Pump (make/model) Size] you may have different pump sizes that you want to link to that specific pump product. These sizes are the Option Values.

You may have already configured your options as per Define your product/service options. You will not be able to link options to your products/services until this is done.

If you don't have any variations of your product/service, you can leave this section blank.

Configuring the Variants and options section

Click the section header to expand this section.

Under Options, click the dropdown menu “Select option”. All the option names you created will be listed. Select the name you need for the product/service you are entering.

Note: If you want to add individual images for each option value, make sure you select the option with these values first. You can only add individual images for different option values for the option showing on the first line.

Click the field under the Option Values to view the list of values you created. Select the option values you want to add. You can add other option values later if more variants of the product/service become available to add as inventory.

Important: Once the product/service has been added as inventory, you can add more option values (including adding new values to the option name) but you can't add more options.

To add another set of product/service variations, click the icon next to the option row and repeat the process.


Tip: You can either enter a [EAN/UPC/GTIN code] for individual variants by checking No for "Product has same EAN/UPC code", or the same code for all variants by checking Yes.

What next?

Now that you have set up the Variants and options section, we recommend you review and edit the next section - uploading your product Media.

Here are some other articles relating to adding new products:

If you have finished configuring these settings - congratulations!

You can move to the next stage and add product/service inventory.

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