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Tax and shipping - physical product

How to configure the Tax and Shipping section

Updated over 6 months ago

Note: To configure the Tax and Shipping section for adding

Configuring the Tax and shipping section

This section has to be completed when a physical product is added.

Important: Watersorted has been configured to display prices in NZ dollars and exclude GST in the price (if sales tax is applicable) on the front end of the shop. GST is added at checkout depending on the tax category applied.

Selecting a Tax category

You may have already reviewed and edited your tax categories as per Manage tax categories. You can still apply a tax category if you haven't by using the default categories provided by Admin:

  • GST

  • No GST

For both tax categories, the location of the seller and buyer is set to New Zealand.

Important: Watersorted cannot advise you on what tax category to use and when to use it. Please refer to your tax agent regarding GST requirements for NZ.

Fulfillment method

The options available for the product are dependent on the Fulfillment method you selected when configuring the General tab when creating your shop.

  1. If you selected Ship & Pickup, you can select any fulfillment method for your product, even if it is different from the original shop setup.

  2. If you selected Ship Only, this is the only option available to select.

  3. If you selected Pickup Only, this is the only option available to select.

Note: You need to have entered a Pickup Address in the Pickup Address tab when you were configuring your shop to enable this as a fulfillment method for both your shop setup and your added product.

Shipping Profile

This option will be available if you selected Ship Only or Ship & Pickup as the product fulfillment method AND you selected to use manual shipping rates instead of third-party. These are both settings you can edit in the General tab as part of managing your shop.

You may have already reviewed and edited the manual shipping rates as per Manage your manual shipping rates. If you haven't, you will need to configure your rates before the product is listed on the front end of the shop.

If you have created a custom Item Level Shipping profile for this product, select it here. If you don't select a custom profile, the default Order Level Shipping profile will be applied.

What next?

Now that you have set up the Tax and Shipping section, we recommend you review and edit the next section - configuring the additional product settings for a physical product.

Here are some other articles relating to adding new products:

  1. Variants and options (applies to all product types)

  2. Media (applies to all product types)

  3. Specifications (applies to all product types)

If you have finished configuring these settings - congratulations!

You can move to the next stage and add product/service inventory.

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