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How to set up local charges to appear based on incoterms
How to set up local charges to appear based on incoterms

During the quote creation process you can add specific services to incoterms. Selecting these predetermined rules will save you time.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over a week ago

Configuring local charges based on incoterms can be useful as the data can be presented in a simple and easy way within WebCargo’s analytics reporting feature. This allows you to see precise analysis of your business as well as adding preset services to incoterms so you don’t have to do it manually every time.

Using and editing incoterms also allows you to decide which charges will be included in the final quotation to your customers in a simple way. Then later when creating a quote you can select these predetermined incoterms to apply a specific set of local charges to said quotation.

Bear in mind that this option is only available for local charges already created so make sure they’re in the system first.

Find out in this article how to set up local charges based on incoterms


If you want to apply specific services to an incoterm, you will first need to create the service and then create your local charge with this service included. Once you’ve done this, it will be available to select when editing the incoterm.

Firstly, navigate to Settings, then the Local charges dropdown and select Incoterms. Here you can find descriptions of all incoterms available on the platform.

Next, you’ll need to edit the incoterm to add the relevant services for import and export. To do this, click on the pencil and paper symbol next to the relevant incoterm.

Select which services this incoterm should include by selecting the corresponding boxes. Then select whether this local charge should be always shown within the list of local charges when creating a quote, or whether it should be included in the total price of the quotation.

Select the services as necessary for both import and export. Once you’ve chosen the services for the incoterm, click Save. These settings will now be applied to the incoterm and will be included when selecting the incoterm during the quotation creation process. You can now follow this same process for any other incoterms that should include other services.

Next, follow the normal procedure to make a quote. Select the rate and save the quotation. You’ll be redirected to the page where you can edit your quote details. The first part you’ll be shown is the General tab. Here you can select the incoterm that you added the service for. The conditions you applied will be attributed to it.

When selecting the incoterm from the dropdown, a message will appear asking if you’d like to apply the local charges based on the selected incoterm. Click OK and the conditions will be applied. Then follow the normal process to save your quotation.

Find your quotation with the incoterm applied by going to the Air tab, then the sub-tab Quotations.

Viewing incoterm data in an excel report

Conditions like incoterms applied to quotations can be viewed in an excel report as Bigstats. In order to download this report, go to Tools, then the Statistics sub-tab, then select XLS Reports from the dropdown.

Then, click the + symbol to select a date range, specific user, or branch that you want to see statistics for. Then click Add. Allow a couple of minutes for the report to generate.

Once the report has been processed, you’ll be able to download it. To do this, click on the Excel symbol and it will automatically start to download.

Open the Excel report once the download is complete and you’ll be able to see a number of different tabs. In order to see the tabs which concern the incoterms applied, click on Quotes.

Scroll to the right and you’ll see the incoterms column.

When setting up local charges to appear as incoterms, that’s all you need to know. For any other questions regarding incoterms or anything else, please start a conversation by clicking on the green speech bubble located on the bottom right-hand side of your WebCargo account.

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