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Local Charges Guide
Local Charges Guide

Find everything you need to know about local charges within this collection

How to add your local charges step-by-stepFind within this article how to add services, sales profiles and suppliers to start uploading your local charges into the system.
How to create a service for local chargesWhen creating local charges for your quotation, you'll need to create a service to select. Read this article to find out how to do this.
Choosing variable or fixed pricing for local charges
Local charge parameters and what they meanThere are many different parameters you can add to make sure local charges are being used correctly. Find out what these are.
How to order your local chargesWith the local charges ordering tool, you can choose how to organise your local charges to make them more convenient to manage.
How to view surcharges from each airlineIt’s important to understand surcharges to avoid any nasty surprises.
How to add local chargesYou've created your services, sales profiles and suppliers. Now it's time to start adding the local charges to your account.
Group Charges on the Actual Quote
How to create a group templateSave time by automating the process of adding local charges by creating templates.
How to create groups of servicesEasily group together your local charges when quoting using the groups of services tool.
How to set up local charges to appear based on incotermsDuring the quote creation process you can add specific services to incoterms. Selecting these predetermined rules will save you time.
How do I update local charges?How to mass update all of your charges to keep them fresh.
How to create sales profiles for local charges
How to add suppliers for local charges