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All CollectionsLocal Charges Guide
Local charge parameters and what they mean
Local charge parameters and what they mean

There are many different parameters you can add to make sure local charges are being used correctly. Find out what these are.

Joe Marris avatar
Written by Joe Marris
Updated over a week ago

Traffic: Indicate if you want this charge applied at origin or destination, or both. If you both origin and destination you will be asked for the Country it’s applicable to, the Destination City, and the Airport it’s applicable to.

If you choose either origin or destination specifically, you will be asked to specify the Country of origin/destination, Origin/Destination city, Origin/Destination airport and Country of destination/origin.

Country of origin/destination: Always by default will be filled in with the country you’re accessing from. You can always change the country by entering another country name or country code.

Origin city and origin airport: If you’re in a city (e.g NYC) and you want this local charge to be applied to all airports to NY, enter NYC. If you just want one origin or destination

Airport enters it in the Origin airport box. Enter as many airports as you want in the Origin airport box. Make sure you separate them with a comma and no spaces. We advise you to then enter the airport also in the Origin City box. This makes sure the data is collected correctly.

Service: Select the service you had already created which is relevant to the local charge you’re creating.

Supplier: this is where the system differentiates whether the charge to be entered is either a cost, or a selling price. The default option is “Sales”, where the standard (General) sales profile applies to a customer or shipment not associated with any other sales profile.

You can also find any Suppliers you’ve added to the system on this list (e.g any suppliers specifically for trucking or screening). Leave Supplier as Sales (default) if you want this local charge to apply to everyone.

Airlines: if you want these charges to apply to a specific airline, you can enter the name or the code and select it from the drop down menu. Separate by commas and no spaces if there are multiple airlines.

Product: we advise you to leave it in blank because we may use different names or codes. This is because what you use in your internal system isn’t the same code as what we’re losing and my cause confusion.

Surcharge % (fuel): mostly applied to pick up and delivery in case you know the surcharge of fuel you’re going to be charge or you know how much it is going to cost you can add it. The system will calculate this for you in the total amount of the quote. If there is a fluctuation in the fuel surcharge, make sure you edit the local charge and save it.

Mandatory: By selecting this option, the particular local charge will be automatically added to the list of local charges on the quote form. You or any other users on your account can still decide to remove or untick the charge so it’s not included or change the amount.

By Default: this means the charge will apply to the quote by default, whilst also being possible to manually deselect it during the quotation process. Not selecting this By default means the charge will remain on the list of options (if mandatory was selected), but you’ll need to check the tick box of the respective charge to be applied to the quote. Use this for charges that only apply in specific cases (i.e. DGR fees, PM Pick up, etc.)

Type of service: you have two options: Included or Additional.

Included means that the total amount of the local charge will be added to the total amount of the quote, therefore meaning it is included in the final price of the quote.

Additional means the total amount of the quotation will have the full amount but with the local charge calculated aside.

User: It is possible to select ONE specific user who will be able to see this charge. By associating a charge with a user, this particular user will be the only one who is able to see the charge. By associating even a single charge with a user, this user will now only see this charge, and NOTHING else.

Currency: the currency that the local charge will be shown in.

Branch (multinational only): If you want the charge to only be visible to users in a specific branch, then select the branch from the dropdown. When associating a charge to a branch, users from that branch can now ONLY see charges associated with their respective branch.

Attached file: imagine you are adding the local charges and you have a reference sheet and you want to let your colleagues know where and why these local charges came from.

Notes: these notes will be added to the local charge PDF next to the local charges.

Validity: you’ll need to select the validity date if there is one. If the local charge has no expiration date, click the No expiration date box.

Type of price: fixed price by default, but can also be a variable price. In the case of a variable price, you'll need to upload an excel with these prices to add to the system. Click here to find out more about variable pricing with local charges.

Rate box: the number you enter will be the amount in the currency you have selected. Enter your rate in this box if your rate is not on request.

OR (on request): you can always add your local charge on request. Click the checkbox to do this.

Calculation basis: Shipment is selected by default, but you have many other options. You can also add your own calculation basis. Chargeable weight calculation basis is also available. We advise you to always choose 167KG as it is the most commonly used.

Base/Min/Maximum: the fees for the rates that should be included.

Linked to: this option lets you link one local charge with another local charge. Imagine that this document fee is a percentage of another local charge. Do not link the same name from the dropdown as the Service. If you do this, the system will not read the local charge correctly. Leave as Select one if you don’t want to add the charge as a percentage or under another local charge.

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