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Everything you need to know about quotations on WebCargo
How to create multi-currency quotationsUsing the static rate quoting feature, you can choose to have multiple currencies in your quotations.
How to quote in a different currencyWhen using static rates to create quotations, apply a specific currency conversion. Add your own, or update with the currency market rate.
How to use the dynamic quoting featureFind out how to use the dynamic quote feature so you can share live capacity rates with customers and close more business.
Icon explanation: managing your chosen static ratesOnce you’ve selected your rates from a static rate search, there are a number of things you can do to manage them.
How to add terms and conditions templatesYou can create a set of selectable terms and conditions to add to your quote so you don't have to enter them every time.
How to edit, request updates and manage your quotationsOnce you've saved your quote, it's time to start quoting with it. Find out how to edit, send, and keep on top of updates of your quotations.
How to add weight, dimensions, and weight breaks for your quoteHow to enter your weights, dimensions, and weight breaks for a static rate search.
Static rate icons and what they meanFind out in this article how you can find out handling info, contacts and terms and conditions for airlines and GSAs.
How to create and manage branchesUsing the branches tool on WebCargo, you can create branches to be used for specific users when quoting.
How to search for and save quotationsWith access to static airline rates, you can search for and save your quotations to start negotiations with your client.
How to add a spot rateIf you have received a rate from an airline outside of your WebCargo account you can add this rate so you and your colleagues can use it.
How to convert your ad hoc rate into a spot rateOnce you've had your ad hoc request accepted by the airline, it's time to create a spot rate and use it to quote.
How to quote using a group templateSelect group templates with predefined rules when adding your local charges when creating a quotations.
How to manage your ad hoc requestsWhether your Ad Hoc request has been accepted, rejected or countered, you'll need to know how to manage them.
How to use the tenders toolYou can extract rates and data with the tenders tool. Add multiple lanes within the tender for international exporters to negotiate prices.
How to request an ad hoc rateFind out how to improve on a rate or request a better one from the airline using the ad hoc feature.
How to upload multiple clients using an excel fileUpload multiple clients with conditions at one time by using the Excel file upload feature on your WebCargo account.
How to add client profilesWhen searching for static rates, you may have specific client profiles that you want to apply sales conditions to.
How to add individual clientsUpload and assign specific profit margins for your clients on your WebCargo account.
How to set your preferred carriersIf you have preferred airlines you want your teammates to use for quotations, you can colour code them. Read how in this article.
What do the search parameters mean for a static rate search?Before making a search for static quote, you should know what each section means to make sure you're seeing the best results.
How to duplicate quote informationUse the duplicate tool, copy an existing quotation so you don't have to enter the details again.
How to use the volatility index for static rate quotingView detailed information about the volatility of live rates to make informed decisions about when to book.
How to use the new static rate quoting interfaceUsing the new WebCargo interface, discover how you can search and compare for static rates from many airlines.