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How do I use the Usage Report? 🎥

Monitor teacher and student Writable usage across the school or district.

Kelly Burnette avatar
Written by Kelly Burnette
Updated over 8 months ago

Writable’s Usage Report helps administrators support their teachers in getting the most out of Writable. Administrators can see which teachers have logged in, assigned to their classes, and graded. Informational resources are linked in the report to help coach teachers with the next step in Writable.

Note: Only Writable Administrators can view and access the Usage Report. If you are an administrator in need of access please email

On this page:

Viewing the Usage Summary

Quickly see how many teachers and students are using Writable this school year with the Usage Summary.

1. Log in to your Writable account. Click 'More' and ‘Report’ at the top of the page.

2. Choose ‘Usage Report’.

3. In the Usage Summary tab you will see high-level data about Writable usage across the district. Use the dropdown menus to choose the School Year and specific date range you’d like to view, as well as the grade levels.

  • Teacher Stats shows how many teachers have created accounts, prepared assignments, and assigned to their classes during the selected time period.

  • Student Stats shows how many students have logged in, started work on assignments, and have been graded.

  • The School Usage in Period section shows the data by school campus. Click on blue-linked data points to open a detailed view of the teachers, students, and assignments. You can also click the linked Proficiency percentage to open the Proficiency & Recommendation report for the school.

Tip! Hover over a column heading to read more information about the data.

Exploring Engagement Status

Writable’s Engagement Status allows administrators to coach teachers in moving forward with Writable, from creating accounts to providing feedback on assignments.

1. From the Usage Report, click the ‘Engagement Status’ heading.

2. Choose the school year and the school(s) you’d like to view.

3. Teachers will be grouped by their status on Writable.

  • Account Only - These teachers have logged in to their Writable accounts, but have not yet created or copied assignments.

  • Assignment Prep - These teachers have prepared assignments by either copying from the Explore library or creating their own, but have not yet assigned them to students.
    Tip! Click the link by a teacher’s name to preview their prepped assignments.

  • Assigned - These teachers have assigned work to their classes, but have not yet graded or provided feedback to students.

  • Giving Feedback - These teachers have assigned and are in the process of grading and providing feedback on student submissions.
    Tip! Click the link by a teacher’s name to see the Proficiency & Recommendation report for their assignments.

4. Click 'View Proficiency Report' below the final column to see proficiency data for all graded assignments included in the report. Proficiency & Recommendation Reports are helpful for viewing data trends and identifying next steps for students.

Guiding Teachers to the Next Step

The Writable team has prepared resources to help administrators in supporting teachers. Click the ‘What’s Next’ button below a group to open an article with additional information and resources.

Each ‘What’s Next’ article contains:

  • Information about Writable features and benefits

  • Considerations for your specific school or district

  • Sample Email Communication

We recommend reviewing the articles and using the sample communication to email your teachers and encourage them to take the next step in Writable. You can find a full list of teachers’ email addresses by clicking the ‘Emails’ button below the grouping and copying to your clipboard.

For example, clicking the highlighted 'Emails' button above will show all teachers' email addresses in the 'Assigned' category to be copied.

'What's Next' Articles

In addition to the links in the Usage Report, you can also access each 'What's Next' article below:

Analyzing the Usage Report Data

Interested in diving deeper into your Usage Report data? Here are guides on further analyzing the data:

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