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Quick introduction to Xinterview
Quick introduction to Xinterview
Written by JIGAR DOSHI
Updated over a week ago

πŸ‘‹ Welcome to Xinterview!

Xinterview is an innovative platform that offers AI video-interviews, enabling you to enhance your decision-making process and decrease the amount of time it takes to hire new talent. So why wait any longer? Take advantage of Xinterview now!

What you'll learn:

  • How to set up your Account

  • The different available options when creating a Job Position

  • All possible ways to Invite Candidates

  • How to Review and Share the Candidates' Interviews

Step 1: Set Up your Account βš™οΈ

Step 2: Create a Job Position πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

  1. Add a job - create a new Job position.

  2. Create the video interview - Craft the interview questions you want to be answered.

  3. Add Team members - easily add team members specific to each job position.

Step 3: Add and Invite Candidates βœ‰οΈ

Once you have set up your interview, it's time to add and invite your candidates! There are three options available for adding and inviting candidates:

1. Invite link: After creating a job posting, a unique URL will be generated for you. You can send this link to candidates via email or integrate it through your job board or LinkedIn job page.

2. Invite via email: Candidates will receive a personal link that grants them access to your interview. You can add candidates one by one.

3. Bulk invite: If you have a large number of candidates, you can send bulk invites by uploading a CSV file with their names, last names, and email addresses.

Step 4: Review and Share the Interviews πŸ‘¨β€βš–οΈ

After a candidate has completed their interview, it's your turn to take action! With Xinterview, you can effortlessly review, shortlist, and collaborate on the candidates' responses. This allows you to quickly move them to the next round of the hiring process.

πŸ… You're officially a Xinterview expert!

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