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Return Statuses

Description of return statuses (Open, In-progress, Processed) in yayloh

Nikhil Shikarkhane avatar
Written by Nikhil Shikarkhane
Updated over a week ago

There are three statuses in the yayloh return management platform: Open, In progress, and Processed.

These statuses help you to handle return request tickets in different piles, depending on the workflow. Across the three statuses, you can sort the returns requests based on the return date. The dashboard shows the last month’s data by default when you access it.

There is additional functionality of searching for orders, customers, and products across all three statuses. You can also select the number of orders you would like to see per page.

There are 11 columns visible in the 3 status tabs. You can sort the table based on some of these column headers. They are as follows:

  1. Order ID

  2. Customer support agent in charge

  3. Order date

  4. Customer name & Email ID

  5. Return type

    • Return, Exchange, Claim, Mixed

    • In-store return or not

    • Including qualitative comments or not

  6. Market

  7. Order size

  8. Order price

  9. Shipping label

  10. Return request date

  11. Shipping status

Use cases of the status tabs

The status tabs can be used in the following methods but choose to use them in a way that suits the workflow better.

Open status

New returns tickets are visible in the open statuses tab when they are registered.

  1. Assign return requests: Collaborate with your team by assigning return requests to yourself or your team members.

  2. View customer comments: It helps to understand the customer’s problem or reason for product return/exchange.

  3. Selecting single order: Click order number, view order details and click on “Make in progress” to move it to in progress tab.

  4. Bulk select: Three ways to select return order in bulk:

    1. Select all return orders by selecting the checkbox in the upper left corner.

    2. Select checkboxes on the left of the order numbers

    3. Using the filter next to the checkbox in the upper left corner.

  5. Bulk processing :

    1. You can move return requests in bulk to the processed tab by refunding or approving them.

    2. You can move multiple return requests in one go to the in progress tab by clicking on the in progress arrow.

In progress status

This is the second status tab.

Return requests are moved to the In progress tab when you are ready to refund them. In this status, products are either received by the warehouse or inspected.

  1. View Order Details: Open order on this page, you can view/edit:

    1. Return type (return/exchange/claim)

    2. Warehouse inspection status (OK/NOT OK)

    3. Return method (refund money, store-credit, claim)

    Note: You can get an update on if the return is inspected, only if you have implemented our add-on feature of warehouse reconciliation.

  2. Refunding: Retailers mostly use the in progress tab to refund manually or In bulk. Once the refund is processed, the return request automatically moves to the processed tab.

Processed status

The processed status tab lists all the orders which are closed and completed.

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