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Dispatch Panel
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over a year ago

This article will cover what information and options there are in the ‘Dispatch Panel’ section Web Portal.

In the Dispatch Panel section you can create and dispatch your group’s jobs and the panel also gives you a clear view of the status of your dispatch.

In the 'Group' menu you can find all the information for you as owner and/or admin of a group:

In the Dispatch Panel section you can create and dispatch your group's jobs and the panel also gives you a clear view of the status of your dispatch.

Here you can find all group's jobs which are not yet assigned to a driver. When you click on a job you navigate to the job details.

By clicking the three dots on the right you can dispatch the job and access other options:

  • Assign to driver: Here you can directly assign the job to a driver in your group or a driver from another of your groups. You can assign your job to a driver by clicking selecting your desired driver and hit the button "Dispatch to {Driver name}".

    • All drivers: All drivers of your group.

    • Available: All drivers which status are available in the YourDriverApp.

    • Online: All drivers which are online in YourDriverApp.

    • Offline: All offline drivers.

  • Edit: Here you can edit the job.

  • Cancel: Here you can cancel the job.

  • Complete job: Here you can auto complete the job.

Under the 'Todo' tab you can find all jobs which are assigned but not yet started and/or completed by the assigned driver.

By clicking the three dots on the right you can dispatch the job and access other options:

  • Reassign a new driver: Here you can reassign a new driver, the previous driver will automatically become unassigned. You can reassign your job to a driver by clicking selecting your desired driver and hit the button "Dispatch to {Driver name}".

    • All drivers: All drivers of your group.

    • Available: All drivers which status are available in the YourDriverApp.

    • Online: All drivers which are online in YourDriverApp.

    • Offline: All offline drivers.

  • Edit: Here you can edit the job.

  • Cancel: Here you can cancel the job.

  • Complete job: Here you can auto complete the job.

Assign to a driver or start automated dispatch from the job details

When you click on a job which is 'unassigned' or 'Todo' you enter the job details screen of that job. Here you can see all job details and also have a 'Driver' section. In this section you can also direct assign the job to a driver or you can even start an automated dispatch process to dispatch the job in one of your groups.

Assign to driver
In this section you can assign a driver directly to the job. In the name section you can search for a driver already in your group but you can also fill in the details of a driver who is not yet in your group and invite him automatically via the checkbox 'Add this driver to this group' which appears if the driver is not yet in your group.


Also when a driver is not yet using YourDriverApp he will get invited by email with instructions to download the YourdriverApp and how to confirm your job assign.

Automated dispatch

  • Share link to job into a group of drivers: The first driver to accept gets the job: Here you can create a 'share link' of the job offer which you can offer to your network simply by sharing the link in for example your Whatsapp or Telegram groups. Anyone can click on the link, follow the instructions and accept the job.

  • Send this job to one of your YourDriverApp groups for...: Here you can choose for automated dispatch of the job to one of your groups.

Create a new job
Of course it is also possible to create a new job directly from the Dispatch panel, just click the blue '+' sign on the right bottom of the screen and create a new job for the group.

The following fields can be entered when creating a job from the Dispatch Panel:

  • Location: Select your pick-up en drop-off location here by looking up your addresses using the Google Maps search results.

  • Requested pick-up time: Select the desired pick-up time here by clicking the



  • Passenger: Here you can enter all passenger information. When also adding a passenger email address a bookings confirmation e-mail will be automatically send to the passenger when saving the job.

    • Customer is not the passenger: When you select this option you can attach a customer/debtor to this job for possible invoicing.

  • Pricing: Here you can set your pricing details.

    • Payment method

      • Pay the driver: Payment will be in taxi to the driver.

      • Pay by invoice: Payment will be on account.

    • Calculation method

      • On meter: Choose when your fare is based on the taxi meter.

      • Fixed: Choose when the fare amount is agreed upfront with the customer.

      • Hourly booking: Set an hourly rate in combination with the booked duration.

      • Hourly booking fixed price: Set an hourly fixed rate in combination with the booked duration.

  • Note: Add a note for the driver.

  • Driver: Assign a driver directly through the 'Assign to driver' button.

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