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Settings - Products
Mewis Koeman avatar
Written by Mewis Koeman
Updated over 5 months ago

This article will cover how to manage and create your products in the ‘Products’ section of the ‘Settings’ menu of the YourDriverApp Web Portal.

Products are a set of vehicle products you can currently only use with your external booking integrations. (these 'Products' are not available for the YourDriverApp solution itself to configure).

Typical examples of products are “Van”, “Economy”, “Premium”, “Lady cab” etc. It is how you offer your services to your customers. It’s also the basis for all the prices you choose to configure.

You need to create products in order to setup Pricing rules. Without products you cannot link any pricing rules to a product which you want to apply to your external booking integration(s).

Product Name
When a group is created, the Web Portal automatically creates your default products based on the 5 vehicle types known in the YourDriverApp environment:

  • Name: Saloon (type: Saloon)

  • Name: Estate (type: Estate)

  • Name: Minivan (type: Minivan)

  • Name: Bus (type: Bus)

  • Name: Limo (type: Limo)

Basically, the input in the 'Product' section are the product names you want to use in your external booking interfaces. For example, when you have a passenger app integrated to your group the product names are shown in the vehicle selection screen.

Edit Products
You can easily change the name of a product by opening the details page of a product. To open the details page simply click on the product row. Here you can edit the following:

  • Name: This is the name shown in your external booking interfaces.

  • Type: Here you can set what vehicle type your product is. In the YourDriverApp software there a 5 vehicle types available: Saloon, Estate, Minivan, Bus and Limo).

  • Passenger amount: Here you can set what the passenger capacity is of your product.

  • Extra information: For example 'Max 2 suitcases'.

  • Description: This field is not yet usable.

  • Upload Image: Upload here the image of the product which will be used in the Web Booker.

  • To delete a product entirely simply click the red ‘Delete’ button.

Create Products
Of course it is also possible to create extra products next to the default available ones, just click the blue '+' sign on the right bottom of the screen.

You have created your products, what now?
As mentioned above, you use products for the bookings interfaces of your external booking integrations. However, now that you have created your products you can also create pricing rules for each of your products which you can integrate with any of your external apps.

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