ZayZoon uses calculations based on your historical earnings to provide a portion of your pay. The portion provided is intended to encourage financial health and ensure that you still receive a good amount on payday!
Please note that only net earnings (the amount of money you earned after tax) are included in calculating your available balance.
The calculation of your available balance does not include irregular earnings, such as:
holiday pay
vacation pay
paid leave (medical or family)
other supplemental income, like overtime, on-target earnings (OTE), or on-target commission (OTC)
Note that every payday, ZayZoon recalculates the amount you can access based on the payroll data from your most recent paycheck.
Your average daily increase and hourly wage can fluctuate based on your historical earnings. If you worked fewer hours previously, you may have less to access in the current pay period.
The more hours or earnings you have from the previous pay periods, the more money you can access in the current pay period.