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My Purchases

See your recent purchase history and cancel / subscribe to training programs from here.

Updated over a week ago

My Purchases is exactly what it says on the tin. This page will give an overview of your recent transaction history and offer you the ability to cancel program subscriptions and resubscribe to old programs if you want to.

To get to 'My Purchases' via a web browser;

Use the action menu to the right of each program to see the available options. This will include, depending on the program and status:

  • Cancel Subscription

  • Resume Subscription / Resubscribe

  • Retry a missed payment

  • Reschedule - moved the program to a different date in the calendar (see more here)

To access this via the Client Mobile App, head to your Profile and select 'My Programs'. From here you can select the menu icon in the top right and select Billing.

If you need more help, please contact us on live chat.



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