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Using Outreach with Reveal data

Here are some use cases if you have an outreach integration and also also how our current users are using it everyday.

Delphine Le Person avatar
Written by Delphine Le Person
Updated over a week ago


Ways that clients are using partner data for Outreach sequences:

  • Send a one pager about an integration to common customers of a specific partner who are not taking advantage of the integration (yet)

  • Send targeted marketing emails to highlight the joint value proposition of your & your partner’s tools together → send it to your prospects that are customers of a partner

  • Reach out to the attendee list for an upcoming event → conduct an offline AM on Reveal using an attendee list and use this to contact your prospects in advance to secure a meeting

  • Contact common prospects/opportunities with a partner for an upcoming joint webinar

How to use Reveal data in Outreach

Step 1

Go to Settings

Then select your Object: Prospect, Account, Opportunity

Step 2

Create a new Custom Field

Example is “Is a Customer of” at the Prospect level.

Step 3


Select where the field will come from → CRM

Step 4

Select your Object

Choose the Object selected in Step 1

Step 5

Map the Fields

Choose the SFDC field to link to your Outreach Custom Field (Step 2). E.g map the Salesforce field “Is a Customer of” to the “Is a Customer of” in Outreach.

Step 6


Name your trigger

Choose the Object selected in Step 1

Add conditions to be met: e.g for a specific partner select “Is a Customer of” is Partner Name

Step 7

Decide what Actions happen next

Create a task for the Account Owner to send an email or LinkedIn message

Add notes for the Sales Team: should they follow a process like reach out to the Partner Manager?

How to use Outreach in Salesforce

Step 1

Create a contact list

Add in filters using Reveal Partner data:


To find Customers of Partner X add “Is a Customer of” = X

To find Partner Y’s prospects with an open opportunity add “Is an Open Opportunity for” = Partner Y

Step 2

Select all relevant Contacts

Click on Import to Outreach

Step 3

Add Contacts to sequence

Choose which pre-created sequence to add Contacts to in Outreach

🔒 2 way CRM sharing is only available with Pro and Power plans.

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