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Reveal for Salesforce App (data package) updates

FAQ relevant for Power users who have the Reveal for Salesforce data package.

Delphine Le Person avatar
Written by Delphine Le Person
Updated over a week ago

Available this summer for Power users

The Reveal for Salesforce App (data package) will be updated to include three new custom fields. These fields will be added at the Opportunity level and can be leveraged to create partner attribution reports directly in Salesforce.

Q. Where is the activity tracking data stored?
A. The new tracking activity is stored in Reveal, and then pushed back to Salesforce as aggregated data.

Q What type of activity is stored?
A. Reveal now tracks activities from the Reveal platform and the Reveal for Salesforce App. Below is a list of the types of activities that we track:

Activity related to Reveal:

  • Get intros (from CRM, weekly digest emails, Slack)

  • Copied emails from Account Owner and Partnership Owner (Reveal’s Account Mapping/Account Detail)

  • Reveal Account added to pipeline from Account Mapping or 360 Mapping

  • Reveal searched Accounts

  • Reveal Account Detail opened from 360 Mapping

  • Reveal referral (account referred to partner or account has been created from a new prospect to the CRM)

Activity related to Salesforce:

  • Opportunity creation

  • Opportunity closed

Q. Will this impact my Salesforce storage?
A. The raw data is not stored in Salesforce, only the aggregated data is stored. We expect a marginal storage increase as the volume is not varying with the volume of activities. Reveal pushes three new custom fields at the Opportunity level.

Q. What technical updates are being made?
A. There are three new fields pushed into Salesforce. These are custom fields pushed at the Opportunity Level.

  • Partners likely to be involved field which is pre-filled by Reveal if there are any related activities associated with a partner. It’s a non-editable, multi-select pick-list field. If any partners are involved with the Opportunity, all partners will be listed in the field.

  • Reveal Activity field tracks weekly activity from the Reveal platform and the Reveal for Salesforce App. It’s a non-editable, text field that’s pre-filled by Reveal. All activities are listed in the field along with their timestamp. Activities include when an AE clicked “Get Intro” from Salesforce, the Account was added to Pipeline in Reveal, the Opportunity was closed, etc. The most recent activity is displayed on the top and tracking starts 90 days before the Opportunity created data in Salesforce.

  • No Partner Involved field is a checkbox to be used as a filter mechanism during the partner attribution review process using a Salesforce report. It’s an editable, checkbox field which is empty by default. After running a report within Salesforce, partner managers can use this field to indicate if a partner was not involved in the Opportunity.

Q. Will the new fields be added to my Opportunity layout?
A. Not by default. Your Salesforce Admin can add these fields if you want to see them on Opportunity records. i.e., it can be helpful for partner managers and/or AEs to view "Reveal Activity" or "Partners Likely to be Involved" fields directly on the Opportunity records but it isn't required.

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