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How to Keep Your Leads Organized

Leverage the Angi Pro Ads app & Angi for Pros site tools to stay organized & be more responsive.

Angi avatar
Written by Angi
Updated over a month ago

Being responsive is key to increasing the number of leads you win. We've created tools to help keep your lead board organized, which will ultimately help you respond to new customers as quickly as possible. Here are 3 tips we recommend to help keep your leads organized.

Tip #1 - Update the status of every lead

Each time you interact with a lead, update the status. Options include: New, Not Contacted, Contacted, Scheduled, Closed Won, and Closed Lost.

You'll have the ability to filter and sort by the Lead Status when viewing your Lead Board in the Angi for Pros site or in the app.

Tip #2 - Rate every lead you receive

Within each lead, you'll have the option to provide a 1 through 5-star rating. Not only does this feedback help us understand where we can improve, it will help give you insight into what updates may need to be made on your account. Click here for more information on rating lead quality.

Tip #3 - Archive leads when you're done communicating with the customer

Once you're done communicating with a customer, archive their lead, so that it no longer appears on your Lead Board. This will help make sure that only active and potential customers are top of mind.

When using the Angi for Pros site, you'll have the option to archive leads after providing a rating, or by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of a lead. In the Angi Pro Ads app, you can long-hold on a lead from the Lead Board, or tap the menu within the Lead Details screen.

Archived leads can be found when using the filter options in both the Angi for Pros site and Angi Pro Ads app.

Get help

If you're having issues or if you have questions, start a chat with us during business hours, and our support team will be able to assist. Our office hours are Monday - Friday 8AM to 8PM Eastern.

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