Tia services and all your questions answered about appointments
How do I book an appointment?
How do I pick an appointment by provider, gender, location or date?
How do I cancel an appointment?
How do I reschedule an appointment?
What should I do when I have an issue booking an appointment?
How does the waitlist work?
I am not receiving an appointment confirmation text- what information do I need to know about my appointment?
How do I enter my virtual appointment?
What should I do if I am experiencing a medical emergency?
What is the cancellation and no show policy?
What does a no show appointment mean?
How do I check in to an appointment?
What are the parts of check in?
Do I have to check in per appointment or per day?
How long does check in take?
Do I need to check in online before I arrive at the clinic?
What do I do if I cannot check in successfully?
How do I view upcoming appointments?
How do I find appointment history?
How do I add appointment to my calendar?
What if Tia does not offer the appointment I want?
What do I do if I cannot find an appointment that meets my needs?
What can I expect during my Virtual Visit?
Who will conduct the Virtual Visit?
How is my data stored during a Tia Virtual Visit?
What type of technology do I need for a Virtual Visit?
Who is my PCP or Care Coordinator? What is their name?
Why can’t I book certain appointments on my own? i.e. Urgent Care Appointments, Psych follow up
How will I know if my prescription has been ordered?
Do we offer skin services at Tia?
What testing and labs does Tia offer?
What vaccines does Tia offer?
Do acupuncturists at Tia practice "dry needling" techniques?
Does Tia offer talk therapy?
Does Tia offer massage services?
What appointments does Tia offer?
How long will it take to get my prescription at my pharmacy?
Can you help with ADHD?
Can you prescribe or refill my medications?
Do you provide abortion services?
Do you provide OB or fertility services?
Is Tia currently testing for COVID-19?
What is all-options counseling at Tia?
Does Tia make referrals when patients choose to terminate a pregnancy?