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avec 24/7 App
Here you will find all the information about the avec 24/7 Scan and Pay app and about shopping in our autonomous formats.
Where can I find the purchases I have made and their respective receipts?
How can I pay for my digital shopping cart and complete the purchase?
How can I delete certain products from the shopping cart?
How can I buy tobacco from a tobacco vending machine?
How can I buy coffee from the coffee machine?
How can I check in if the door is already open?
The payment failed, what can I do?
I have a problem with the tobacco vending machine. What can I do?
I have a problem with the coffee machine. What do I have to do?
What happens if I do not receive an SMS to verify my phone number?
Why does the app sometimes not work at the train station?
The product cannot be scanned. What can I do?
The store cannot be entered. What can I do?
I have another problem with the app. Who can I contact?