Welcome to Backpack Health! We're so glad you're here.
First things first, we should mention that there are actually a few ways to join a group. This article won't be particularly helpful to you unless the following is true:
You don't already have a Backpack Health account.
You do have a link provided by your foundation that looks something like this: https://my.backpackhealth.com/join/ (with their name at the end) – you would probably have received it in an email from them.
Using that link to start the signup process will set your intent to join their Backpack Group – you'll be taken right to where you can join (for yourself or for a family member) immediately after creating your account and setting up your profile. You'll need to sign up on the web for this to work, but you can always download the mobile app and log in afterwards if you prefer.
If you already have a Backpack Health account, and/or didn't receive a link for joining, not to worry! This article should have you covered.
Sign Up & Join a Group
These instructions are for joining a group yourself. You can only join for one person at a time, but it's easy to create additional profiles and join them afterwards. If you only plan to join on behalf of family, and not yourself, please scroll down to the instructions further below.
1) Create your account via group's URL
Go to the web address provided by your foundation (it should look something like https://my.backpackhealth.com/join/...).
Click Join Us.
Agree to our Privacy Policy.
Enter your email address. (We’ll be sending you an email.)
Set your password.
Choose your communication options. (Turn on Backpack News and Third Party Promotions to get useful information from us, and from your group!)
Check your inbox for an email from Backpack Health.
Click Confirm email address and then click DONE on the top right.
2) Set up your profile
Agree to our Profile Privacy Policy.
Enter your name and choose your country of residence (& US state), date of birth, and gender & birth sex.
Agree to our Health Information Privacy Policy.
3) Join your group
Click the circle to the right of your profile avatar with your initials.
Confirm that you meet your group’s eligibility criteria.
Agree to our Group Consent Policy.
What's next?
If your group has an active survey, you'll be taken straight to it – you can pause it anytime, but completing a survey is a great way to start filling your Backpack with health information. If not, you'll go to where you can find details about and resources provided by your group, which you can also access by selecting Groups from the Main Menu.
Either way, now you're ready to start adding, sharing and translating your health info!
Tip: You can also import medical records automatically by connecting to your patient portals.
Sign Up & Join a Group for a Family Member
After you finish setting up your profile, you'll have the option to create profiles for family if they're the ones who should be members of the group. But you can only join for one person at a time, so if multiple family members are eligible, you can create additional profiles and join them after.
1) Create your account via group's URL
Go to the web address provided by the foundation you want to join on behalf of your loved one (it should look something like https://my.backpackhealth.com/join/...).
Click Join Us.
Agree to our Privacy Policy.
Enter your email address. (We’ll be sending you an email.)
Set your password.
Choose your communication options. (Turn on Backpack News and Third Party Promotions to get useful information from us, and from this group!)
Check your inbox for an email from Backpack Health.
Click Confirm email address and then click DONE on the top right.
2) Set up your profile
Agree to our Profile Privacy Policy.
Enter your name and choose your country of residence (& US state), date of birth, and gender & birth sex.
Agree to our Health Information Privacy Policy.
3) Create their profile
Click ⨁ Someone else I care for.
Confirm you’re legally authorized to manage and share your loved one’s health information on their behalf.
Agree to our Profile Privacy Policy.
Enter your loved one’s name and choose their country of residence (& US state), date of birth, and gender & birth sex.
Agree to our Health Information Privacy Policy.
4) Join their group
Click the circle to the right of your loved one’s profile avatar with their initials.
Confirm that they meet their group’s eligibility criteria.
Agree to our Group Consent Policy.
What's next?
If the group has an active survey, you'll be taken straight to it – you can pause it anytime, but completing a survey is a great way to start filling your loved one's Backpack with health information. If not, you'll go to where you can find details about and resources provided by the group, which you can also access by going to Groups from the Main Menu when your loved one's Backpack is selected.
But remember, Backpack Health is for everyone! You can now start adding, sharing and translating the whole family's health information, including your own.
Tip: You can also import everyone's medical records automatically by connecting to all your patient portals.